ESP32S3 Sense Camera

I have just ordered the ESP32S3 Sense that comes with the camera. I was wondering if its able to work wireless? Meaning to say, I power up the camera using an external supply or such, and then have it live feed/capture images and have it transfer the files or have the live feed being shown onto the Round Display by XIAO? Would that be possible or the camera needs to be attached to the Round Display?

Hi there, mdabdillah
check this out. and the other one too.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Your camera module is still being attached to the ESP32 card right? Or is it separated? Does that mean I need another ESP32 on my Round Display and a standalone ESP32 with the camera ? With that, any images or video can be captured and be sent to the one with the round display?

i am wanting to see too if it can be connectd to round display, theoredically this will work, but you will have to solder the male pins onto the esp32 board

I got this … :grinning: No soldering… :clap:

It all fits and powers on AOK. Now the Code , well that’s another Onion :face_with_spiral_eyes:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :christmas_tree:

wow awesome… yes i really think weneed to mass produce those bases

LOL, the Socket ? :smiley: :+1:
I printed it. the STL is up on my Thingiverse with the DWG file for those who want to chop it up and add their own spin.

Haven FUN,
GL :slight_smile: PJ :christmas_tree: :+1:

The round display by XIAO itself already has the female header right that is use to mount the MCU cards on to it.

Hi there,
Yes it has the Female that accepts the pins you solder onto the Xiao.

GL :-)PJ :christmas_tree:

Got it, so basically the one that i have SAMD21 can be replaced with the ESP32S3 right? I just wanted to be sure it can play videos to the round display.

Hi there,
Yes any of them will drive it However the S3 will give you the best performance as well.
Gl :slight_smile: PJ