Xiao esp32 sense cam not connecting to mobile hotspot

hello…Ive been trying to get this xiao esp32 cam to live stream video with this tutorial

but since the school wifi requires additional authentication, i opted to use my phone hotspot. the code complies okay in the arduino ide but then it doesn’t show any ip address. I assume this is bc its not connecting? I’m not sure how to fix this.
please help.

Hi there,
Welcome, Yes you need to get IP address for it to stream, If the Monitor doesn’t say the IP then Your wifi tether(dhcp) is not working or the credentials are wrong.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

thank you smm ill try with a different wifi, but are these camera compatible with hotspots?

I recommend that you check the network using a separate procedure for connecting to the network, after which we can add further features.
Generally speaking, as long as the wireless network is 2.4GHz, XIAO is supported. If you are a mobile hotspot, please make sure that the “Maximum Compatibility” option is enabled (if any).

Hi there,
Si I too was curious to see if this worked with my HOT spot on my SAMMY GS9+
It does , LIKE a BOSS :stuck_out_tongue:
Check it out;

GL :slight_smile: PJ

i figured it was bc the hotspot name which had ab apostrophe but it looked a bit different? at least i hope that was the issue bc there was nothing else wrong. Naywys, running the code gave out an ip address but then i got a " couldnt connect" message. Ill just keep using my wifi for now sadly.

Hi there,
what was the IP a wan address or a local IP address (10.10. or 192.168 or 172…1.) on your network? Just be sure your IP mask is , try that.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

so it did end up working in the end when we realised both the laptop and camera needed to be connected to the same hotspot. Ill still look out if the mask is 255.255 the next time

Thank you smm yall

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Sweet… You see both devices in the first picture ,

Hp-Envy(laptop) and ESP32s3 camera .
Glad you got it going
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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