ESP-Now with ESP32C3

I am trying to setup 4 ESP32C3 using ESP-NOW and cannot seem to find the right combination to get them to work, I use the built in examples in Arduino IDE 2.3.2, under examples - ESP32 - ESPNow - ESPNow_MultiSlave_Master, for the master. And the examples - ESP32 - ESPNow -ESPNow_Basic_Slave for the 3 slaves, and I get them to talk, and send and receive packets to and from each other.

Found 6 devices
1: SlaveC3 [EC:DA:3B:AA:xx.xx] (-41)
6: SlaveC2 [EC:DA:3B:AA:xx.xx] (-91)
2 Slave(s) found, processing…
Processing: EC:DA:3B:AA:xx.xx Status: Already Paired
Processing: EC:DA:3B:AA:xx.xx Status: Already Paired
Sending: 7
Send Status: Success
Last Packet Sent to: ec:da:3b:aa:xx.xx
Last Packet Send Status: Delivery Success
Send Status: Success
Last Packet Sent to: ec:da:3b:aa:xx.xx
Last Packet Send Status: Delivery Success

But I am trying to get the master to work with a button that triggers the LEDs on the slaves. I realize this is probably very simple but I am new to this and don’t do well with coding. I have tried several examples that I have found online and on YouTube but still am struggling with this and would appreciate any help I could get.


Hi there,
Looks good , it great that you have them communicating, Just set a boolean variable that each slave checks and the master sets and sends.
or Do a Broadcast with a variable in the packet header or a technique that is similar.

esp_now_send(slave.peer_addr , &data, sizeof(data));

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Check out the Youtube video of this Guide to set it up…and learn the Reference and Guide below to
become GURU :mage:

ESPNOW API Reference:…
ESPNOW User Guide:…