Edgebox-ESP-100 sample code compilation examples. (POWERED BY USERS)

Hi, I open this thread for put here all the samples codes that you have, and work for the Edgebox-ESP-100. Most in Arduino IDE but can work for other codes. I hope it helps everyone, if you have questions, comments or can support by sharing code and configuration we will all appreciate it.

“Pinout configuration with Arduino IDE”

  pinMode(DO0, OUTPUT);    // Set DO0 as an output
  pinMode(DO1, OUTPUT);    // Set DO1 as an output
  pinMode(DO2, OUTPUT);    // Set DO2 as an output
  pinMode(DO3, OUTPUT);    // Set DO3 as an output
  pinMode(DO4, OUTPUT);    // Set DO4 as an output
  pinMode(DO5, OUTPUT);    // Set DO5 as an output

 digitalWrite(DO0, LOW);  // Set DO0 low example for use it

“LTE A7670G Initial Configuration”

--------------FOR VOID SETUP------------------------------

//Defining the Serial connection
#define SerialAT Serial2

void setup{

//Powering the LTE  
pinMode(16, OUTPUT);  
 digitalWrite(16, HIGH);

//Turn on the LTE
  pinMode(21, OUTPUT);  
  digitalWrite(21, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(21, LOW);

//Serial Config of LTE

//AT Configuration for connecting to a SIM operator, and work with SMS receiving data
SerialAT.println("AT+CFUN=1");  // Operacion FULL


  SerialAT.println("AT+CREG=1");  // registro de operador automatico


  SerialAT.println("AT+COPS=0");  // registro de operador automatico


  SerialAT.println("AT+CNMP=2");  // Uso de banda automatica


  SerialAT.println("AT+CMGF=1");  // sms modo texto desde incio


  //Borrar todos los sms

  SerialAT.println("AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0");  // modo de recibir sin guardar


  SerialAT.println("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\"");  // registro de operador automatico


--------EXAMPLE CODE OF WORK---------------------
//Study this code for SMS reception and control, change the variables or create it, for guide purpose

 void ALARMAS(){


      // Serial buffer


        incomingByte = SerialAT.read();

        buffer += incomingByte;




        buffer.toUpperCase(); // uppercase the message received




    ///////////////////////LADO MOTOR ALARMAS///////////////////////////////////////////

      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCLM1")>-1){ //LMFL = Fallo en lado motor de tornillo

        digitalWrite(DO0, HIGH);  // ROJO LADO MOTOR

        digitalWrite(DO2, HIGH);  // SEMAFORO Y SIRENA




      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCLM0")>-1){ //LMOK = Lado motor de tornillo OK

        digitalWrite(DO0, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO2, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)



    ///////////////////////LADO LIBRE ALARMAS///////////////////////////////////////////

      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCLL1")>-1){ //LMFL = Fallo en lado motor de tornillo

        digitalWrite(DO1, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO2, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)




      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCLL0")>-1){ //LMOK = Lado motor de tornillo OK

        digitalWrite(DO1, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO2, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)



    ///////////////////////SEMAFORO SOLO///////////////////////////////////////////

      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCSM1")>-1){ //LMFL = Fallo en lado motor de tornillo

        digitalWrite(DO2, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)




      if(buffer.indexOf("CPDCSM0")>-1){ //LMOK = Lado motor de tornillo OK

        digitalWrite(DO2, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)




      if(buffer.indexOf("+CREG: 3")>-1){ //VUELVE A TRATAR DE REGISTRAR CONEXION




      if(buffer.indexOf("+CREG: 2")>-1){ //VUELVE A TRATAR DE REGISTRAR CONEXION




      if(buffer.indexOf("+CMS ERROR: 500")>-1){ //EN CASO DE ERROR 500 (SIM FUERA) PARPADEA,   OCUPA SIM Y REINICIO

        digitalWrite(DO0, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, HIGH);


        digitalWrite(DO0, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, LOW);


        digitalWrite(DO0, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, HIGH);


        digitalWrite(DO0, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, LOW);


        digitalWrite(DO0, HIGH);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, HIGH);


        digitalWrite(DO0, LOW);  // Set CH2 to low (0V)

        digitalWrite(DO1, LOW);



  buffer=""; //Limpia el buffer para evitar ciclado de ram

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“Arduino IDE functional configuration”

This configuration is very stable, keep running the watchdog in the cpu0 and uses the complete RAM, and flash.

EDGEBOX-ESP-100 ArduinoIDE most functional config

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“Analog read of 4-20mA”

This example uses the Adafruit_ADS1X15.h library. and use an basic example for range process variable

#include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
Adafruit_ADS1015 ads;     /* Use this for the 12-bit version */

uint16_t lectura; //stores always in uint16 for complete resolution
//if you stores in int16 or float, takes one bit for the sign, and first we need to handle the reading

void setup(void)

  Serial.println("Getting single-ended readings from AIN0..3");
  Serial.println("ADC Range: +/- 6.144V (1 bit = 3mV/ADS1015, 0.1875mV/ADS1115)");

  if (!ads.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Failed to initialize ADS.");
    while (1);

void loop(void)

lectura = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);

float Process_mA=(map(lectura,0,65535,4000,20000))/1000; //for obtain the 4-20mA 

//Example for variable ranging, in temperature 0 to 400°C
//Pv=[(Pv high-Pv low)/(I high-I low)]*(I-I low)+Pv low

float Temperature=(((400.000-0.000)/(20.000-4.000))*(Process_mA-4.000)+1.400); 
// the last 1.400 is a gain for error in readings, you may need a temperature reference patron to adding, so the 1.400 can be deleted



This example show the Slave mode of modbus, using the library of emelianov (is the best library that i found, most complete and working, tested on industrial field). Maybe the sintax or the order of code can be changed or improved, so play with that.

Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Alexander Emelianov ([email protected])
GitHub - emelianov/modbus-esp8266: Most complete Modbus library for Arduino. A library that allows your Arduino board to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a master, slave or both. Supports network transport (Modbus TCP) and Serial line/RS-485 (Modbus RTU). Supports Modbus TCP Security for ESP8266/ESP32.

#include <ModbusRTU.h>

#define RXPIN GPIO_NUM_18
#define TXPIN GPIO_NUM_17
#define SLAVE_ID 10
ModbusRTU mb;

uint16_t p1,p2;

void setup() {

void loop() {

    mb.addHreg(0); //Add Hold register 0          
    mb.Hreg(0,p1); // 40003 for PLC base 1 4x, only uint16 data (p1 and p2 are uint16 variables) when the master receive can change to signed 
    mb.addHreg(1); //Add Hold register 1 
    mb.Hreg(1,p2); // 40003 for PLC base 1 4x, only uint16 data  

    mb.addCoil(0,0,10); // Add 10 coils 0 to 10 with 0 value
    mb.Coil(0,digitalRead(DI0)); // The input DI0 writes the coil 0 in the modbus protocl
    digitalWrite(DO0,mb.Coil(5)); //The output DO0 was written by the coil 5 in the modbus protocol
    mb.task(); //tasking of modbus
    yield();  //logistics of modbus

    //Pv=[(Pv high-Pv low)/(I high-I low)]*(I-I low)+Pv low
    float Pressure=    (((10.000-0.000)/(20.000-4.000))*(Process_mA-4.000)+0.000);
    //Process_mA is from analog read example LOOK OUT
    p1=Pressure*100; //Split the integers to send it on uint16 for the modbus
    p2=Pressure/100; //Split the decimals to send it on uint16 for the modbus


Thanks for the information. Is it possible to use the LED for other functions? If so, do you have any code you can share? Thanks in advance.

Regards, Mark

Hi Mark, the led? maybe if you share your idea or application can think in some.

I would like to turn some of the LED off/on as an indicator for different states in my application. It was unclear from the schematic which GPIO is controlling the LED. I’ll have another look at the schematic today. However, any code snippets you can share are appreciated.

Regards, Mark

In the board all the leds are connected for 4g stat (Directly to the A7670 chip), power on, and the other 2 for GPIO ERR and GPIO ACT (in the UART0 of the ESP32) so in this case you cant use this leds.

Thanks for the feedback. Good to know. It’s not a dealbreaker.


I am looking to use the Ethernet capabilities of the EdgeBox-ESP-100. Do you have any Ethernet examples you can share? Specifically, I would like to get the MAC address programmatically then pass the MAC to the Ethernet.begin(mac) function. Also, are there any special Ethernet libraries that need to be used with this device instead of the Arduino Ethernet? Thanks for your help.

Regards, Mark

Hi, I have been struggling on getting the DI0-3 read. Any examples on the physical connection and sample code? I thought it is as easy as ESP32 S3, am I thinking too much? Appreciate help.

You need put a conection in the pin 1, for a power source to complete the circuit.

If you ar using a 24vcd power supply, put in the pin 1 the 0V (negative), to get the input by a positive 24vcd.

If you want the input has a negative input, put a +V to the pin 1.


Thanks for the information