DSOQuadV2.6 RESOURCE(Update 2012/04/12)

Upgrading to app2.45, the last setting and calibration data can be saved in app245

I have just upgraded to app245. There appears to be a bug when calibrating CHB. When using “Modify Voltage - +” only the “-” works. It is not possible to increase the reading using “+”

Otherwise I like the autocalibration. Good work.


got my scope yesterday and I like it. With 2.45 I can not save settings or calibration. at start I see a short: “reload parameter error”.

Edit: After turning the scope on and off several times and saving the settings more than twenty times the settings and calibration values are saved!

I can confirm that the “+” key is not working when trying to set calibration values.

That’s crazy why don’t they do some regression tests before sending upgrades.

With APP 2.45 I am not able to adjust Voltage during calibration of Channel B.

seems a stupid bug have been made into it . please redownload the app245. it was such a little bug that bure decides not to upgrade the version .
so , please download the the app245(b)

For calibration: After running the automated calibration I still have some offset (same for DC or AC coupling) on the channels of about 20% of selected scaling (using the Vdc Value):

50mV: 6.0mV = 12%
0.1V: 20mV = 20%
0.2V: 56.0mV = 28%
0.5V: 60.0mV = 12%
1V: 160mV = 16%
2V: 400mV = 20%
5V: 1.8V = 36%
10V: 2.0V = 20%

50mV: 8.0mV = 16%
0.1V: 16mV = 16%
0.2V: 64mV = 32%
0.5V: 60mV = 12%
1V: 200mV = 20%
2V: 560mV = 28%
5V: 1.4V = 28%
10V: 1.6V = 16%

Calibration was done using the supplied probes. Voltages during calibration were supplied via an adjustable power supply and monitored using a DVM.

Is there a way of improving the calibration?

I made it,but it doesnnt work well yet.

there is signal (parcel I2C) once at second by duration 500 mkS in mode “auto” its not possible seize, in mode “norm”, only with unrolling before 100mkS if expose less for instance 50 to consider in detail not possible seize. in mode “singl” seizes, but change duration of the unrolling is not got, numerals are changed but real does not change

After installing APP_V245 or APP_V245(b) I get an error message on power-up:
“Reload parameter error”

Then the Quad seems to load up fine.


Had the same “Reload parameter error” problem.

Solved after formating (in windows) the 2MB USB DISK.

Now it says “Reload parameter ok” and hold setting.

I had the Error comment as well. However, after startup, all I had to do is hold ‘circle’ to save the current settings. Now it starts with ‘reload parameter ok’.


I had the same “reload parameter error”, but as bbb notes “all I had to do is hold ‘circle’ to save the current settings. Now it starts with ‘reload parameter ok’.”

This procedure fixed the problem on my v2.6 hardware.

Thanks bbb :smiley:


Hi HugeMan,

How long will it be until Bure releases the source code? The last update from you (16 Jun) sounded like we would have it before now.

  • tgo

Isn’t this the source codes? Including the FPGA that everyone is asking for??



BBB, this thread may answer your question: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2021

Briefly, no. It’s a stale version.

I can confirm this issue. I tried to do an accurate calibration with power supply and DVM, and had a rather large offset as result. Next I tried to just do the automated calibration and not adjust the voltage scale. This resulted in a perfect zero point without offset - but now the voltage scale is only approximate. :unamused:

I think the calibration algorithm is incorrect and the voltage scale adjustment affects the zero point offset values. If we had access to the latest 2.45 source code I could probably be more detailed in my problem analysis…

(Application layer firmware)–>APP_B250
(System level firmware)–> SYS_B150

source http://www.minidso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=88

After APP and SYS update; start quad normal and format. Then “circle” to save settings.

source http://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2112

Found in Lost in Found.
SYS_B150.rar (19.3 KB)
APP_B250.rar (28.6 KB)

Thanks! What are the changes in App 2.50 and Sys 1.50?

I’d love to see the source code… :wink: