DSO Nano v2 issues and FAQ

What’s new?

  1. Upgraded to semi-steel case for:

    a Mechanical endurance

    b Shielding of noises

    c Easier assembly

  2. Unibody PCB design for better reliability

  3. Complete charging circuit with LTC4054 IC

  4. Dedicate channel for signal generating.

  5. Extra button for quick adjustment

  6. Fixed battery connector

  7. Compact dimension (95mm62mm13mm, 76g)

  8. Updated software (something beyond v2.4 is on going)

    Warning: This is not a brand new model but a major upgrade from previous Nano, firmwares are mostly compatible, accessories including the Contemporary Minimalism DSO Nano Stand are inherited.

    Closer look:


    DSO Nano v2 is a Digital Storage Oscilloscope designed for basic electronic engineering tasks. Within its smart shell, the device runs on ARM Cortex™-M3 32 bit platform, provides basic waveform monitoring with extensive functions. It equips 320*240 color LCD, micro SD card storage, portable probes, LiPo Battery, USB connection and signal generator. Due to palm size and handy performance, it fits in-field diagnosis, quick measurement, hobbyist projects and wherever convenience matters. Scheme and source files are also open for re-innovating.


    l Portable and lightweight

    l Color display

    l Waveform storage and playback

    l 6 triggering mode

    l 1Mhz Analog Bandwidth

    l Complete measurement markers and signal characteristic

    l Built-in Signal Generator

    l Accessories available

    l Open Source

    Please reply this topic if you have any issue or suggestions on the new DSO Nano v2, we will consolidate them and respond as efficient as possible. Thanks for your great support!

[Space for Frequently Asked Questions]

How to save waveform and configuration into SD card :

1 . Make sure your SDcard supports SPI mode. (Most SDHC and over 2GB card does not)

2 . Format your SDcard with FAT16

3 . Create a new file named FILEXXX.DAT in your SDcard root (file size must bigger than 1KB). Or directly download here and copy it into SD card root.
[attachment=0]SDFILE (1).rar[/attachment]
4 . To save the waveform : move the cursor to FS option, choose the file you want to save , then press “OK” .

Is the X10 and the X1 use the same Probes

No , if you want to use the X10 , you have to use the X10 probes .

Is DSO Open source ?

The F/W (APP) will be open source and all people can use or modify them freely, but there is some third party code included in LIB and we don’t have the authorization to publish them.

The H/W is open source for all version.

Why can’t i compile the project code

The source code was built by IAR 4.2, IAR 5.x is not supported.
SDFILE (1).rar (4.84 KB)

[Issues and planned features]

A little suggestion, how about offering a more expensive delux version? The nano is too cheap and I (and I think others) would like to pay more for even more features.

A deluxe version could have more expensive components and features like (just brainstorming):

  • A even fancier case (more steel or brushed aluminium) or more rugged
  • OLED screen
  • Two input channels
  • MMCX connectors
  • With two channels you could make it compatible with <LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/noninv … Path=84_91”>http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/noninvasive-ac-current-sensor-100a-max-p-547.html?cPath=84_91</LINK_TEXT> so you can do true-RMS metering (power factor, kvar and such) like instruments like http://www.ordnancemarine.com/tams/a7061.html can. Of course you have to be able to handle like 400 or 690VAC atleast in x10 mode.
  • PC connection with software for live metering
  • Backlit buttons
  • Higher bandwidth

    Kind regards


I won’t tell you that we are developing a similar one…


hi. just received my v2 beta copy today: :wink:

first impressions:

  • like the metal case. feels nice and sturdy
  • slot for fixing is a nice touch
  • might be worth labelling the ports on the back cover
  • buttons are slighly misplaced. the down and left have a nice solid click wheras the other three have no tactile feedback
  • on off switch is a bit fiddly against the plastic

    overall, nice job! now to get on and play …

Hello, received my beta unit today.

While testing I’ve discovered an interesting issue.

While connected to usb and measuring with both probes connected to +5v I get some kind of short, multimeter reads 0.7A. Probably there’s a direct current path from - probe to usb+.

When disconnected from usb everything’s fine.

FAQ: My Nano needs a nicer stand

This is a really expensive sucker from Germany (2.90 EUR = USD 4$)

(the shop is : http://www.pearl.de - ArticleNr: HZ1823)

maybe you find something else in a mobile-phone-shop,

or something similar in an bathroom-shop

and use the good old Glue Gun to fiddle a little bit.

It is better than all other stands, because it is always together.

FAQ: I need more tactile feedback from the buttons

The Glue Gun with transparent glue helps to create 5 drops,

see pictures. It feels a lot better now for me.

Maybe you can use Epoxy cristal-clear too,

but the drop from a Glue Gun can be easy removed if needed.

Hi! With my DSO Nano V2 I received 2 rubber stickers. These are for what, exactly?


I paste the stickers on the stand, narrow one at the bottom and the wider one at the top of the stand.

Quite pleased with the DSO nano v2. Made a 10X probe and it works! Battery will not stay charged beyond 1.5-2 days sitting on the shelf. WTF with that? I would rather stay with the internal battery if there is something I could fix.


Sorry but, do you mean power off USB charging?

The nano goes from full charge to stone dead while off sitting on the bench in about 1.5 to 2 days. Not being used or being turned on.


Didn’t met that before… The one sitting by me powered up with dust.

How is the battery life?

Thanks for lifting the issue!

My V1 and V2 have both set for weeks while maintaining a charge (powered off, no USB connection). You should contact the place of purchase for a Nano replacement.

To determine if the battery is really fully charged, you can measure the probe calibration output signal of the Nano with the Nano. The Vpp should reflect the actual battery voltage. My V2 measures Vpp = 4.20V with full battery bar. What does your’s measure with V/Div=1V, T/Div=500us, and FR=1Khz

If replacement is not possible, and if you can solder, then you can isolate this problem yourself. Fully charge the battery, then open the case (possibly voids any warranty) and unsolder the battery red lead as shown in the attachment. Wait a couple of days and then solder the red lead back on the Nano. If the Nano works, then the Nano is the problem. If the Nano is dead, then the battery is the problem. Take care to not short the red and black leads together while unsoldering or soldering.

ESP, the above quote describes that Seeed is in possession of BenF’s latest released open source code (v3.13) which is ported to IAR v6.1. Would you please post that at Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. for the benefit of all concerned. Thanking you in advance.

ESP, you have always been very candid in other posts. Would you please elaborate on the “some third party code included in LIB” so we can all understand just what is going on here. Are you referring to STmicroelectronics code, or some other code? Please clarify so that we can understand why F/W that has been described as open source now appears to have some third party LIB restrictions.

It is untimely that you have not updated Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. to include the latest 3.0.1 version of DFU (it supports Win7, 64-bit OS, and installs the appropriate drivers automatically). Much effort has been expended by all parties (Seeed Studio included) to get the DSO Nano into it’s current functionality. Perhaps you can help to tie up all these loose ends so that development from BenF’s v3.13 open source code can proceed smoothly without all these bumps in the road.

Thanks for all the good work and effort that Seeed Studio has performed to get this project where it is today.

We have upload the laest version source code of Benf firmware (V3.13) at:


And, I want to clarify all the Development Process of DSO and related Sourcecode.

As in the package you have noticed, DSO series are developed by Chai Xiaoguang (Bure) and his team (e-design). Seeed Studio’s role is more like a producer of a movie, we coordinate the resources, bring it up to reality products, collect the feedback and work with e-design to improve. It’s similar to other cooperative projects like with dangerous prototypes.

And, The whole soucecode is : .DFU(programmed by e-design)+ .lib&.app. The .lib and .app are totally open source, But as the .DFU, Because it is “third party code” as ESP said ,We can offer the .dfu file, But we have not get the authorization to Open it’s source .

Thanks for providing the GitHub link, that must be fairly new. I really appreciate whoever took the time to set this up.

Thanks for your clarification, it really helps to fully understand the big picture. By .DFU, are you referring to the loader software that talks to the DFuSe Demonstration utility, or is there more to it such as an Operating System? I noticed that there is no .DFU in the downloaded git, only BenF’s Lib.dfu and App.dfu.

“The Development Guide of the DSO Nano” has no reference to the .DFU. Are you saying that the .DFU is available as a binary but the source for this .DFU is not available?

How would the .DFU be loaded into the DSO Nano? Is there another STMicroelectronics application (such as DFU Tester) that can load the .DFU? I am asking just in case the current DSO Nano .DFU ever gets damaged. Is there a location where the .DFU can be downloaded?

Thanks again for taking the time to respond and share.