Defective case for 114991949

Hi Seeed Team,

One of Our customer recently purchased USB ISOLATOR 114991949.
But all of them, got defective.

I think he may use them wrong.

It’s running few days But;

When connected to a PC, the motor driver software recognizes it at first, But when the motor is run (quick tuning or when a command is issued to run the motor), the connection is broken.
The connection cannot be made even if the connection is made again after the disconnection.
When I reconnect the USB cord that is connected to the driver, the connection to the PC is restored.
The connection between a normal USB memory stick and a PC works fine.

And all 3 of them he got are broken.

Can you give some advice?

1. At what point in the production process was a failure detected?

Connected test device’s USB signal then operated it

2. Does the part have externally visible physical damage?


3. Were the parts “dead on arrival”?

When connect it detected right after. But It will disconnect PC and Motor driver when motor was start to drive by USB Isolator.

4. What is the application the product in question is used for?

When connecting a motor driver to a PC via USB, a USB isolator is used to prevent damage to the driver’s serial communication chip due to overcurrent if the potential difference between the PC and the driver is large.

5. Has this part been used in your design or production process before?

First time

6. If applicable what is the operating current and voltage the parts are being supplied?

There is no particular circuit created by us, as it is connected to a driver purchased from a vendor. The driver we are using is ELMO’s driver G-SOLTWI10/100ME7S.

7. Were parts exposed to environmental or test conditions beyond their maximum rated limits?
We do not know, but we have been told by our driver vendor that there have been no problems using USB isolators from any manufacturer.

Can you give some advice?

Kind Regards,

If I may,
Are you using the USB cable MADE specifically for the ELMO?

USB Data PC Cable Cord for Elmo Elm0 MO-1 M0-1 1337-1 13371 1337-2 13372 1337-3 13373 1337-164 1337164 MO-1W M0-1W 1336-12 133612 Document Camera Visual Presenter

Brand: Accessory USA

GL :slight_smile: PJ

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sounds like a power brownout or ground issue… have you tried disconnecting the motor and simulating the commands?

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Sorry. I replied late. I will check the customer.

Kind regards,


Thank you for your support.
*Is it not regular USB A ~ Mini B cable?

Kind Regards,