Changing AT-Firmware to Micopython, img-file is not persistent after reset

i could upload some other firmware using normal .img files.
But that image is not persistent, after reboot the Bootloader responds with:

secboot running…

Even after: Flashing using PA0 = low condition with reset

“” -p COM15 --upload-baud 115200 --upload “D:\Work_Air602_firmware\W60x_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\W60X_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\1M_Flash\wm_w600.fls”

fails with:
Opening device: COM15
Error: IMG file is required for secboot

I thought (having read “WM_W60X_Firmware Generation Guide + WM_W60X_SECBOOTFunction Guide”) that resetting and PA0 = low
will open the Bootloader for .fls Images?

Using the Sendfile option in SSCOM V5.13.1
Also fails (with reset PA0=low and sending ESC (1B) -sequences) :
Îļþ´óС: 347548
BaudRate 115200bps
Time require: 31,3570003509521 S
update error…
update error…
update error…
update error…
update error…
update error…
User abort£¡
Send ok£¡update error…

Could you please describe the process how to flash the MicroPython- or other images persistently by replacing the useless (!) original AT-command flash image or adequate bootloader?


Resolved by myself with

D:\Work_Air602_software\w600tool-0.1>python .\ -p COM15 -b 115200 --upload D:\Work_Air602_firmware\W60x_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\W60X_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\1M_Flash\wm_w600.fls
Opening device: COM15
Switched speed to 1000000
Uploading D:\Work_Air602_firmware\W60x_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\W60X_MicroPython_1.10_B1.5_img\1M_Flash\wm_w600.fls
0% [##############################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00
Total time elapsed: 00:00:17
Reset board to run user code…



Sometime those missing little details cost so much time …



\ \    /\    / /
 \ \  /  \  / /
  \ \/ /\ \/ / 
   \  /  \  /
   / /\  / /\
  / /\ \/ /\ \ 
 / /  \  /  \ \ 
/_/    \/    \_\ 
  • WinnerMicro W600*

MicroPython v1.10-284-g2eee4e2-dirty on 2019-11-08; WinnerMicro module with W600
Type “help()” for more information.


This leads directly into the next question:

This method is not applicable to the “Air602 WiFi Development Board”.

Any suggestions?


Answer: yes could be done, by choosing the right pin 13 :wink: , sorry my fault!

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