Build failure adafruit-nrfutil not found in PATH

Default scetch build/upload fails when it tries to create DFU zip file
exec: “adafruit-nrfutil”: executable file not found in $PATH
Error compiling for board Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense.

Offending build line
adafruit-nrfutil dfu genpkg --dev-type 0x0052 --sd-req 0x0123 --application /tmp/arduino_build_977951/sketch_jul24a.ino.hex /tmp/arduino_build_977951/

adafruit-nrfutil is actually installed and is in Linux’s $PATH:
alex@Ubuntu:~$ adafruit-nrfutil version
adafruit-nrfutil version 0.5.3.post16
alex@Ubuntu:~$ which adafruit-nrfutil
strong textalex@Ubuntu:~$ echo $PATH

I thought the problem is in
./.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.1.8/platform.txt"{tools.nrfutil.cmd}" dfu genpkg --dev-type 0x0052 --sd-req {build.sd_fwid} --application “{build.path}/{build.project_name}.hex” "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.zip"

So, I modified the last line(s) as following

But for some reason changes in platform.txt file are not affecting Arduino build, even after full restart
What am I missing ? Is there any other configuration I need to change to point Arduino to the right path to this util ?

Hi there,
and welcome here,
Which BSP are you using as I suspect it’s not the correct one?
Which board and which BSP?
AFAIK , In linux you don’t want the path to be that long to the system. YMMV
which os is this?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Turns out I edited the wrong platform.txt
instead of

But now a new error on the same line:
/home/alex/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil --verbose dfu genpkg --dev-type 0x0052 --sd-req 0x0123 --application /tmp/arduino_build_509375/sketch_jul24a.ino.hex /tmp/arduino_build_509375/
fork/exec /home/alex/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil: permission denied
Error compiling for board Seeed XIAO nRF52840 Sense.

The file has execution permission for everyone
alex@Ubuntu:~$ ls -l /home/alex/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil
-rwxrwxr-x 1 alex alex 216 Jul 24 11:34 /home/alex/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil

and I can invoke this from Linux trerminal
alex@Ubuntu:~$ /home/alex/.local/bin/adafruit-nrfutil
Usage: adafruit-nrfutil [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

–verbose Show verbose information
–help Show this message and exit.

dfu This set of commands support Nordic DFU OTA package generation…
keys Generate keys for signing or generate public keys
version Displays nrf utility version.

Hi there,
smh on that one… permissions are the bane of the existence :grin:
my linux box is sideways now so I can’t try to reproduce, perhaps someone at support could give it a look and try.
GL :slight_smile: PJ
keep looking you get it… :+1:

Thank you PJ !
Linux version of Arduino seem to be generally more finicky,
I tried Windows (where adafruit-nrfutil comes prebuilt) and example sketch built and uploaded right away.
I still want to get Linux going though, find it immensely more convenient

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