Attempt at porting STM32WL55 Lorawan end node FW to LoRa-E5-HF

I have a LORA-E5-HF module. I overwrote the serial comm stuff Seeed had loaded onto the device because the STM32WLE5JCI is a complete system that can hold application code…IMO no need for spending money on a 2nd processor just to hold application code. My goal is to leverage (from github ether) an end node application that could be modified to target the STM32WLE5JCI that LORA-E5 uses. In doing so I am looking at the SEEED datasheet along with much of STM32 pdfs. On the github side I have targeted the STM32WL55 Nucleo Lorawan end node project but there are definitely some things to iron out. Can anyone chime in here with advice:

  1. Has anyone seen any STM32CubeMX projects out there that attempt to do this?

  2. I found an obscure private post with a photo (from this forum) that seems to show the Lora-e5 has a TCXO embedded inside…Does anyone know if an RF switch (from pics it looks like so) is also embedded under the hood?

As always thanks for all the support