AT-Tiny Programming

What is the best Programmer board for experimenting with ATTiny chips

I am looking at the small ATTiny, but would like to get something that can program the larger sized ones if i need more GIPO

any experience?

check this out,

which TINY ? grab this and put it on the Arduino you already have and go to town.
IMO , you can’t beat a Tiny85 anything bigger is better on arduino,
84 if you want more pins.
Use the AtTinyCore LIB on Arduino IDE and this link:
ATtiny 25/45/85

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

fyi , read the GitHub link and there are a million usb Programmer Clones out there. .:+1:

nice good links i will check out

That is actually the one i want, but it is an old kickstarter… the kid is probably on mars by now

I am working on the “Project” conceptual
I need a device to drive 3-6 led, i read about pin multiplexing but that will cause flicker and it is important to my project for all leds to latch at the same time, i want to communicate with the control chip by IIC,

and the sensor chip is already IIC but fixed address, so i will have to either connect it to the AT to translate or set up a separate multiplexer bus

so i think
a 14 pin would do it, or 2 x 8 pin would do same…