Ask for what is the solution for FadeInOut RGB error

I copy and paste the code found in Seed_Learning_Space_Master:
#include <ChainableLED.h>


Example of using the ChainableRGB library for controlling a Grove RGB.

This code fades in an out colors in a strip of leds.


//add ChainableLED library to this project

#include <ChainableLED.h>

//set the number of leds linked to the chain

#define NUM_LEDS 1

//assign leds as the name of the ChainableLED set the pin of the ChainableLED to pin7(clock pin) and pin8(data pin) and number of the leds*/

ChainableLED leds(7, 8, NUM_LEDS);

void setup()


/*initialise ChainableLED leds



//initialise power as byte with value of 0

byte power = 0;

void loop()


/*for loop is used for loop through

each LED connected to the chain

in this case there is only one LED


for (byte i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++)



  % means modulo operation to find remainder

  eg 0 % 2 = 0, 1 % 2 = 1,  2 % 2 = 0...

  setColorRGB(byte led, byte red, byte green, byte blue);

  so in this case the even number of the LED chain

  will fading green color, odd number of the LED

  chain will fading red color, since we count the

  first LED as 0.


if (i % 2 == 0)

  //brighter red color from 0 to full power

  leds.setColorRGB(i, power, 0, 0);


  //dimmer green color from full power to 0

  leds.setColorRGB(i, 0, 255 - power, 0);


//set power increment as 10

power += 10;

//light 0.5s for each brightness



Error message:
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:45:27: error: ‘power’ was not declared in this scope
leds.setColorRGB(i, power, 0, 0);
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:45:27: note: suggested alternative: ‘pow’
leds.setColorRGB(i, power, 0, 0);
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:48:36: error: ‘power’ was not declared in this scope
leds.setColorRGB(i, 0, 255 - power, 0);
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:48:36: note: suggested alternative: ‘pow’
leds.setColorRGB(i, 0, 255 - power, 0);
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:51:3: error: ‘power’ was not declared in this scope
power += 10;
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GROVE BEGINNER KIT FILES\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Learning_Space-master\Seeed_Creator_Kit\16.Chainable RGB LED\2_fadeInOut\2_fadeInOut.ino:51:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘pow’
power += 10;

exit status 1

Compilation error: ‘power’ was not declared in this scope

Thank you for response

Raynmond Calanlang

Hello, are you sure to install the ChainableRGB library?

Yes…but still now working…even I type manually the code…thank you for response.

background CSS uses a combination of a negative margin-bottom (calculated from element size) and a negative top, as well, to position it correctly. width, of course, is set, but that just affects width and not overall placement. z-index forces the dummy element we’re making to be underneath.
fadeOut(5000) fades out the dummy background element we just created.

Rachel Gomez