Arduino integration via Boardmanager fails installing board type w600


Arduino install fails via boardmanager due to http-download-error 404 for “”:

Error downloading downloading

Fails also in Browser (Firefox) …
It is recommended that you go to the official website of winnermicro to download the information.

Thank you for pointing me out to the solution.

But seem to work to a further state , but failed also:

Unable to cache built core, please tell w600-arduino-0.2.6 maintainers to follow
Linking everything together…
“C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++” -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -O0 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -ggdb3 -DW600_EV “-TC:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/ld/link_w600.ld” -Xlinker --gc-sections --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,–start-group -lgcc -lc -lm -Wl,–end-group -o “C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.elf” “-Wl,-Map,C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/” “C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272\sketch\sketch_apr16a.ino.cpp.o” -Wl,–start-group “C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/” -Wl,–start-group “-LC:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/” -Wl,–whole-archive “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/oneshot.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmcmd.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmcommon.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmdhcpserver.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmdnsserver.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmdriver.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmhttpclient.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmlwip.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmmain.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmota.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmntp.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmping.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmrtos.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmssl.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmweb.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmwebsocket.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wmsslserver.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/libairkiss_log.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/wlan.a” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/tools/sdk/lib/usermain.a” -lwmgagentcloud -lwmcJSON -lwmmqtt -Wl,-no-whole-archive -Wl,–end-group
“C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools//wmtool.bat” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools/” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy” “C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.elf” “C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.bin” “C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\w600-arduino-0.2.6/bootloaders/secboot/secboot.img”

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino>C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy --output-target=binary C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.elf C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin

*Zugriff verweigert => means: “Access denied!”

Popping up an Assert:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\wmtools\makeimg.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\fseek.c
Line: 99
Expression: (stream != NULL)
For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
(Press Retry to debug the application)

Abbrechen Wiederholen Ignorieren

secboot_len:37b0, app_imglen:563d4, total:643d4

Any idea, what went wrong (\Documents is user-writable)?

Windows issue (?), because manually executed (with win-path-corrections) was OK:

C:\Users\js>C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\wmtools\gcc-arm-none-eabi\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy --output-target=binary C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272\sketch_apr16a.ino.elf C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272\sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin

Not shure why MakeImage fails.

  • Verzeichnis von C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272*

16.04.2020 11:37 .
16.04.2020 11:37 …
16.04.2020 11:11 1.505.936
16.04.2020 11:11 804 build.options.json
16.04.2020 11:11 core
16.04.2020 11:11 475 includes.cache
16.04.2020 11:11 libraries
16.04.2020 11:11 preproc
16.04.2020 11:11 sketch
16.04.2020 11:11 698.086 sketch_apr16a.ino.elf
16.04.2020 11:30 0 sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
16.04.2020 11:11 1.251.451
16.04.2020 11:37 353.180 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin
16.04.2020 11:11 251.913 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin.gz
16.04.2020 11:11 0 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.img
16.04.2020 11:30 0 sketch_apr16a.ino.sec.img

But also manually executed makeimg.exe (path-corrected):

C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272>C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\wmtools\makeimg.exe C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272\sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272\sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.img 0 0 C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600\wmtools\version.txt 90000 10100

  • Verzeichnis von C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272*

16.04.2020 11:52 .
16.04.2020 11:52 …
16.04.2020 11:50 1.505.936
16.04.2020 11:50 804 build.options.json
16.04.2020 11:50 core
16.04.2020 11:50 475 includes.cache
16.04.2020 11:11 libraries
16.04.2020 11:11 preproc
16.04.2020 11:50 sketch
16.04.2020 11:50 698.086 sketch_apr16a.ino.elf
16.04.2020 11:49 0 sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
16.04.2020 11:50 1.251.451
16.04.2020 11:50 353.180 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin
16.04.2020 11:50 251.913 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.bin.gz
16.04.2020 11:52 353.236 sketch_apr16a.ino.objcopy.img
16.04.2020 11:49 0 sketch_apr16a.ino.sec.img
16.04.2020 11:52 353.180 test.bin

Seems to be identical result ?


makeimg.exe wants to create a file named test.bin in folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\test.bin”
which is protected in Windows 10!


May be not WIN10 compatible?

@juergs if you want to download and install the board definition of W600.

  1. Add W600 board manager URL from File → Preference
    copy and paste the link

  2. Open Board Manager Tools → Board → Board Manager

  3. Search for W600 and click install.

try these at let me know the feedback.

… obligatory 40 Chars? …

Thank you,
will give a try and report.


One hint:
Making Arduino- directory writable, but that will be a real dirty dirty solution:
With another question: isn’t pulling RESET enough? Download via FTDI-Adapter on COM15.
Using the original bootloader delivered with the board

*C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools/upload.bat C:\Users\js\Documents\Arduino\hardware\w600/wmtools COM15 115200 C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_21272/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img *
Current Python main version is not 3, Use binary to upgrade the firmware.
Serial open success! com: COM15, baudrate: 115200.
Waiting for restarting device …
Start send ESC thread.
Start serial read thread.
Start restart thread.
First try cycle…
Try to open Serial with baud speed: 115200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 230400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 460800…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 921600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1500000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 2000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 9600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 19200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 38400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 57600…
Second try cycle…
Try to open Serial with baud speed: 115200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 230400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 460800…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 921600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1500000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 2000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 9600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 19200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 38400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 57600…
Third try cycle…
Try to open Serial with baud speed: 115200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 230400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 460800…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 921600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 1500000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 2000000…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 9600…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 19200…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 38400…
Try to re-open Serial with baud speed: 57600…
[E] OFFline Serial COM15
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

Manually uploaded Micropython-Image works:
CCConnecting to COM15…

>>> help()
Welcome to MicroPython on the W600!

For generic online docs please visit

For access to the hardware use the ‘machine’ module:

import machine
pb26 = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.PB_26, machine.Pin.OUT, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)
pb27 = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.PB_27, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)

Basic WiFi configuration:

import network
sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
sta_if.scan() # Scan for available access points
sta_if.connect("<AP_name>", “”) # Connect to an AP
sta_if.isconnected() # Check for successful connection

Control commands:

  • CTRL-A – on a blank line, enter raw REPL mode*
  • CTRL-B – on a blank line, enter normal REPL mode*
  • CTRL-C – interrupt a running program*
  • CTRL-D – on a blank line, do a soft reset of the board*
  • CTRL-E – on a blank line, enter paste mode*

For further help on a specific object, type help(obj)
For a list of available modules, type help(‘modules’)

I expect that this uploaded image should be overwritten by the Arduino-generated image.
Will try to use other wmload-version …


Is ok, but slow webserver !

I’ve not tested, if making \Arduino-directory read-only again.
But how to w600 accept image upload? Reset only, should work?
Bootloader is in :slight_smile:

“sec bootload”-mode…

Ok manual upload with “newest”

C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628>python3 “D:\Work_STM32_Hardware\Air602_software\w600tool-0.1\” -p COM15 --upload C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img --upload-baud 115200
Opening device: COM15
Uploading C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
0% [##############################] 100% | ETA: 00:00:00
Total time elapsed: 00:00:27
Reset board to run user code…

works :wink:

Thanks for your kind helpings.

Intermediate solution: modificated to have fitting Stringoutput as
and file “upload.bat” changed to use for upload.

Works for me ! :grinning:

*:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\w600\tools\wmtools\0.3.2/upload.bat C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\w600\tools\wmtools\0.3.2 COM15 115200 C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img *
Use python script to upgrade the firmware.
python C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\w600\tools\wmtools\0.3.2/ -p COM15 --upload C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img --upload-baud 115200

Opening device: COM15
Uploading C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
*Start upgrade C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img *
Please wait for upgrade …
Upgrade C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img image success!
Please wait for about 10 seconds before uncompress & restart…

Replace in upload.bat:
python %tools_path%/ -c %console% -b %baud_speed% -f %img_file%
python %tools_path%\ -p %console% –upload %img_file% –upload-baud %baud_speed% you will find by google…

Press Reset before Upload!

Use python script to upgrade the firmware.
python C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\w600\tools\wmtools\0.3.2/ -p COM15 --upload C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img --upload-baud 115200

Opening device: COM15
Uploading C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
*Start upgrade C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img *
Please wait for upgrade …
Upgrade image success! => C:\Users\js\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_131628/sketch_apr16a.ino.gz.img
Please wait for about 10 seconds before uncompress & restart…


Revoking Write-rights on Arduino-Directory under %PROGRAMFILES%:

issued an access denied error again, but to other file!

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\python_v.txt could not be found.

Writing to Program Files is not a good programming habit!

This may lead in a security thinkover …


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