I’m looking for a datasheet for this product, especially for how to connect it. There are four “connectors” on the cable, but without coloring or other information, how could I know how to connect it?
Also, any tips how to solder wires to the very thin and narrow cable end (see pictures from the link above)? Or should I just rip it away and try to solder directly to the motor…
I assume I also need a stepper motor driver between the MCU and the motor.
I wouldn’t try to solder directly to the motor, as the internal super tiny wires that make up the motor coils are also attached to those points. You’ll most likely destroy that connection. There will be two coils, just use a multimeter to find which pair of wires go to one coil and which to the other (which one doesn’t matter) . For a steppermotor controller you could try the tmc2209. you can just power that and the motor directly from the usb power port.
For my current project I’m using a stspin220 board from pololu, as that can run on battery power, but it doesn’t have a lot of configurable options like the tmc2209 and the tmc2209 is cheaper
Thx, appreciated! I’ll also take a look at the boards you mentioned.
Hi there,
They are here too. Look at all of the INFO and the pics, and Solder to the motor or find the FPC connector.
this is a driver board for these
but that driver board doesn’t have a connector for connecting it to an esp32 of some sort, does it?
Hi there,
No just for testing pre -esp32