About using Hardware I2C of XIAO ESP32C3

The I2C sample at the Seeed Wiki was Software I2C.
However, I wanted to use Hardware I2C on my ESP32-C3.
According to the ESP32-C3 datasheet, I2C can be assigned to Any GPIO pins.
I was able to use the TwoWire class’s begin(int sda, int scl, uint32_t frequency = 0)
to display the OELD of the XIAO Expansion board, with using the Hardware I2C of the ESP32C3.
I would like to ask someone kind to verify this.
Below is the sketch I used.

//I2C test for XIAO ESP32C3 with Expansion board
#include <Wire.h>
#include <U8g2lib.h>
U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0);

void setup() {
   //setup debug port
  //The following constants are defined in variants/XIAO_ESP32C3/pins_arduino.h
  //static const uint8_t SDA = 6;
  //static const uint8_t SCL = 7;
  bool var = Wire.begin(SDA,SCL); //defined with sdapin and sclpin
  //for debug 
  if(var) Serial.println("I2C connected");
  else  Serial.println("I2C not connected");

void loop() {
  u8g2.clearBuffer();                   // clear the internal memory
  u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_ncenB08_tr);   // choose a suitable font
  u8g2.drawStr(0,15,"Hello World!");    // write something to the internal memory
  u8g2.drawStr(0,30,"Hello World!");
  u8g2.drawStr(0,40,"Hello World!");
  u8g2.sendBuffer();                    // transfer internal memory to the display
