I know PJ would say “Get a Nordic DK and you’ll get both the debugger and the board for this money”, however, are we finally getting in the space, where you don’t need to spend a fortune for Segger device and still not go for the cheap clones from AliExpress?
Hi there ,
LOL You’re right.
the Segger & J-link is Juice not worth the Squeeze. (for corporate OK, NOT for makers)
It’s a nice idea, it’s the execution that usually bombs…
Software support being the most prevalent, It is just for their stuff initially but I commend them for finally reaching the conclusion that more was needed.
I think they see what NORDIC has known all along by proof of their Gambut of devices that are based in Open Source and very, very affordable. They always value add some extra feature to give just a TAD bit more than the other guys. i.e. The J-link included on the Dev board >$60 bucs, or the EXTRA Logic analyzer inputs on the PPK-2 Power profiller(pretty much there most expensive but must have Devices Nordic or NOT!), or the Swiss Army knife of BLE devices the $9 dongle, and it’s use with WireShark to sniff BLE packets…
I like they went CMSIS-DAP with it leveraging the public support, HOWEVER: If you pick the MICROCHIP dev board like ATX mega OUCH! ($65) and add this?? Still lacks flexibility in that it’s only for mega’s…
No indication on using other platforms with it but their studio? so more to come on THAT, but I like the Direction but not the TOTAL prices yet!
Sorry but I’m BIG on the Educational aspects of the FREE dev academy NO-one else has been able to emulate, with Nordic engineers LIVE on there answering Q’s and providing Good direction to learn the many topics and assist in troubleshooting.
Debugging is still VERY required even with AI sending folks down RABBIT holes of misdirection,for both Code and configurations.
Why for years the Arduino IDE couldn’t except for a very specific few hardware and port situ, blah! did it or does t work. PlatformIO was quick to embrace it.
I’ll watch the space but it’s a marathon NOT a sprint. so We will see.!
Spoiler ALert! a bird told me Seeed Studio is in the LAB conjuring up a TOTAL Xiao Debug solution . Will it be OPEN-Source ? no one knows, will have a socket? again, No-One knows? Very Hush -Hush TOP secret. SO keep your powder dry and your Tariffs away.
As you Were…
Thanks for the reply, PJ!
I am basically in a process of forming the order from DigiKey. I hit a wall with the absence of a Debugger and possibility to flash a bootloader, when moving further with Nordic Academy course. But I am still hesitating on which DK to put in the basket: the 52 or 54? BTW, is there a JTAG connecter included or should I buy separately?
As well as I have a dilemma on whether I need a dongle or not. Because, basically it is just a dev board, similar to Xiao, which I already have.
Yes, it has a possibility to intercept traffic, and I also saw on the youtube the guy was “programming” it with the BLE services and characteristics via the UI of the nrf Desktop application. But can’t you program the chip on DK similarly via the nrf Desktop? Or is it an exclusive feature of the dongle?
BTW, eventually, I am planning to use a module, like this one:
Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司 (~9$)
And they have an eval board:
Raytac Corporation 勁達國際電子股份有限公司 (~19$)
So you can right away try your code on the actual module you’ll be using in the final device. And it is certified! I like the prices of both module and the board, but found a little trick with the fact, that not many suppliers have it in stock - everything through the original manufacturer.
I see there are many other modules available for nrf82540, however, the dev boards for those are way more expensive. Do you have an experience with such modules? Maybe you would suggest a good manufacturer?
Hi there,
So if it’s just for the XIao, maybe hold off until we see what they (seeed) comes up with? Yea age old dilemma go with the older 52 or jump to 54, SO there is NO offering for the 54L15 which is really the only reason for that one. SO NIX that until Real Xiao’s hit or even the competitors are not in Final revisions SO there’s that!.
With all the unknows economically and prices/Tariffs etc. I would stay all Nrf52 , to learn, and see Millions of LOC’s for them. pretty much a no brainer. No the Adapter is a luxury NOT really required. use jumper’s initially. The dongle is YEs programmable , but has such a wide breadth of code out there for it, great for comparing your own with ones that work.
Coupled with the NRF_CONNECT for Desktops(free) the BLE is something I would never be without.
the first module I used was a WiFi one with Ewe-Link compatblilty built in,. So IOT devices were just connected the software/firmware made everything G, alexa & IFTTF compatible. Then the BLE stuff from Nordic HiT … I never looked back. I can put a Xiao absolutely ANYWHERE
Good Stuff bro.
Indeed, there’re no dev boards on nrf54 yet. And probably for a reason.
I saw a news recently on one board, though, in development for the Feather line-up.
I somehow thought the nrf54 is a year old already, but it looks like it was just showcased in November 2024. So, yes, better be safe with the chip which is at its 3rd revision already.
So, the 52DK and the Dongle then Thanks for helping me out with this! Appreciate your help a lot!
P.S. and I’ll try the raytac board, just to have an experience of programming an exact external module, which I may need to do anyway in future.
As I understood, the boards itself is like XIAO: it has USB, buttons, some other not needed in the final design things. But other option is a custom PCB just to host the module with all the pins out via the headers? PCBWAY?
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Of course, open source, must be open source
Hi there,
Sometimes I wish there were 2 (Likes)Hearts
An interesting device indeed. Am curious on what it can do in the end. Waiting for specs, but looks cool