A client for BenF's DSO Nano XML

Thanks to quick testing by reinderien he identified a problem with the file exports. I have now fixed this and increased the version number to

I do not have access to the GNUplot or MATlab applications and so cannot actually test that the exports work. I have used templates that I have had to try and emulate the export format. If anyone can point me to where I can get (free) copies of these applications for testing then I would be most grateful.

New version attached. V

Cheers Pete.
DSONanoXMLExportFileReader.zip (127 KB)

You can emulate my templates if you want; they’re in the BenfWaves source browser.

Gnuplot is free; Google it. Matlab is expensive unless you’re willing to steal it.

Didn’t you set up a Google Code project? You should be using its downloads feature (and its Subversion feature, too…)

Hello Folks,

A small change to the system to use invariant culture when loading floating point numbers from the XML file and an additional screen listing version numbers and a change log to be found from the about box.

New version attached.
DSONanoXMLExportFileReader.zip (128 KB)

Perhaps you could do what BenF does, start a new thread for each version release. This would focus responses into the same place for the same version.

Thanks for all your work thus far.

Thanks for the feedback.

On a couple of point you raised.

The system already reads the profile section of the xml file and sets scales (or at least is should).

A tip on the rotary dials, If you click on them and then you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to rotate them. I may remove them as they where only an attempt to make it look pretty :slight_smile:

If you look at the profile info at the top of the form you will see buttons next to the trigger index and the max/min voltage. clicking these will move the waveform to start displaying at the point of these events.

I will look into the idea of a cursor on the time line that gives you an info box with offset from trigger and input value at the cursor point. If i was to implement 2 cursors i could also give a time difference/frequency of the cursors.

I think for my own sanity and ease of updating i will now only post the follwoing thread on the forum

Cheers Pete.

Hi Folks New version posted here


Cheers Pete

Rev 94 is up:


There are many changes, but the most significant one is the addition of a simple waveform viewer. It has automatic anti-aliasing quality adjustment and exponential zoom using simple scrollbars.

OK FOlks,

Another version hot of the keyboard for you.

Lots of Changes in this version.
Name changed to “XML data Viewer”
Moved application to an MDI format.
Added Double click events to the index buttons to centre trigger on display.
Added voltage cursors.
Added the ability to re-save a timeframe of the original XML file between time cursors.
Added Up down Buttons to the rotary controls
Changed S to s for seconds
Made data import library more robust to differing XML versions

I need someone to test the matlab and gnuplot exports for me please as i dont have these applicaions.

I could also do with a UART data stream XML export file to test the LA decoding, I have also got I2C and SPI but with only a single trace from the nano these will have to wait a while

New version posted here


Cheers Pete

Rev 100 of BenfWaves is up. It supports five new export formats, whose dimensions are based on the size of the display window at the time of export (for simplicity’s sake). Enjoy.

Rev 104 is up with simple data cursors in the waveform viewer.

I want to add a extra ADC channel in the DSO nano wiring it directly, (por example PC1 pin) but I can’t do this because I can´t find the appropiate GPIO and DMA configuration for the extra ADC channel. :cry:

It’s important to me because, I work a lot with XY graphics.

So, can anyone help me with this? Thanks Guys!! :question: :wink:


BenFWaves.Client is not happy with new FIT trigger mode in v3.62.

Instance validation error: ‘FIT’ is not a valid value for TriggerMode.”


Interesting. I’ll have to upgrade my firmware and check it out. Thanks!

Rev 117 is now up. This is an intermediate release based on the “basic” branch.

  • None of the FFTW code has been integrated into this branch. I’ll deal with that mess later.
  • Firmware support for v3.62 hasn’t been done yet. I need to look at the changes more carefully.
  • This has a bunch of backend refactoring to increase abstraction on dimensions.
  • Other minor bugfixes.

If anyone could submit some sample xml files generated from v3.62, especially if they have any new features that the previous version doesn’t, that would greatly help me to revise BenfWaves. Thanks!

I will mail you a working Nano V1 with v3.62 F/W on an extended loan for this project. Just send me your address in private message.

Rev 137 is up. It contains some minor and major fixes, among them support for the two extra trigger modes in the new firmware. It’s been tested working against a DSO Nano V2, though more thorough testing still has to be done.

This looks fantastic program and would be handy for me. However I’m getting errors: “conversion from string 5.52 to type DOuble is not valid”.

This is the version that I’m using:

dso-xml-data-reader.googlecode.c … Reader.zip

This looks fantastic program and would be handy for me. However I’m getting errors: “conversion from string 5.52 to type DOuble is not valid”.

This is the version that I’m using:

dso-xml-data-reader.googlecode.c … Reader.zip

and the sample:

FILE006.zip (12.1 KB)

Ok, got it working… now I used correct program (BenfWaves)

However with this file not everything is shown in the screen:

FILE008.zip (16.9 KB)


I’m glad that you find this application useful (I haven’t worked on it in some time!)

It can zoom out both horizontally and vertically, so you should be able to change the view to see what you need (assuming it was actually captured by the device).