5V USB and 3,3V supply at the same time a problem?

I have read the two datasheets and as long as the TPS63020, XC6210, battery and USB 5V are working properly, I don’t see a problem.
The regulator’s protective function can only control its own internal elements, so I don’t know if it can handle multiple failures or any external defects.
I have experienced problems in the past, as shown in the link below. Since then I have not connected the outputs of multiple regulators to avoid unnecessary problems. If you are trying to build a product and not just a hobby, I suggest you give this plenty of thought.

XIAO Expansion Board trouble
#New Product# Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board – explore infinite possibilities of Seeeduino XIAO - #4 by msfujino
Xiao Expansion Board

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