I’m also using a raspberry 4 with the latest raspbian image dated: 2020-05-27
This is the response I get from dmesg | grep spi
[4.019666] mcp25xxfd spi1.0: CRC read error: computed : ec03 received: 0000 - data: be 00 04 00 00 00 00
[4.019682] mcp25xxfd spi1.0 CRC read of clock register resulted in a bad CRC mismatch - hw not found
[4.019702] mcp25xxfd spi1.0: prob failed, err=84
Did anyone manage to get both CAN0 and CAN1 up and running? @Baozhu
i’ve a more recent kernal and still getting only one CAN0 up on SPI0.0
I read that there is a mode B where both CAN channels can operate on a single SPI
SPI 0.0 (one of the CAN module) can not be initialized. Followed your post and installed seeed-linux-dtoverlays instead of the pi-hat and still facing the same issue. (all kernel are up to date)
interestingly, I have unplugged the shield (when i reboot) it still says CAN1.0 successfully initialised
CanGen not receiving any data (with the module could initialise) and often throw an error: “No buffer space available” @Baozhu can you please help to start the troubleshooting process?
I have tried to linked it with an Arduino CAN shield but no success and tested it with an oscilloscope and couldnt see any signal