Question about PCB service's board size


So, the minimum board size is 5cm X 5cm. If my board design is 1cm X 1cm, does that mean that Fusion PCB service will pack my design into the 5cm X 5cm PCB, that is, having 25 pieces of my 1cm X 1cm per 5cm X 5cm panel? Basically, Fusion PCB will make the best use of the 5cm X 5cm PCB panel for my design that is less than 5cm in width an height?



They will sent 10 pieces. I think you can multiply the designs, but would have to cut the PCB at home with a machine.

Either way, $1 for PCB seems to me the best deal.

I have exactly the same question. Can I do the panelization by myself, send the stuff to seeed ? And next cut the piece by my self too.


They don’t allow you to panelize.

I am not so sure about this PCB service, because the support seems to be very abysmal. They don’t mention to you what needs to be done if they can do your design. Does that mean you lost the payment, etc.?

Sorry for the weak support on Fusion PCB service. We are trying to improve recently.

  1. Actually, for small quantity, the manufacturing cost for 1cm * 1cm is almost same with the 5cm * 5cm.
  2. You can panelize to save the cost, but you need to cut the board by yourself.

Thanks for your input. Your suggetions will help us do better.