Fail to add devices in step 4 Use Seeeduino LoRaWAN GPS(RHF76-052AM) access LoRaWAN server

Hi, i’m working on an IoT project that using seeedstudio lora lorawan gateways 915mhz for raspberry pi-3 and follow the steps to configure the board.


I get stuck at step 4 Use Seeeduino LoRaWAN GPS(RHF76-052AM) access LoRaWAN server, section d where failed to display expected output in my serial monitor as compared to the tutorial. What I get is an error, “+MODE: ERROR(-1)”.

I hope someone can give me some insight on how to solve this error.

Thank you.

I am stuck at the same step. Connecting the board to the pc does not induce any addition of a com port.
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