I bought some Xiao BLE boards and I’m trying to get the Zephyr
examples working. I’m following the instructions at
Getting Started with Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Series | Seeed Studio Wiki
I’m using version 2.7.0 of Nordic’s Connect SDK.
I have the basic BLE board - not the Sense board. When I enter
the bootloader and mount the drive, it’s named “XIAO-SENSE” not
“XIAO-BLE” as some documentation says it should be.
Here’s how I build the test program:
west build -p always -b xiao_ble samples/basic/blinky
I’ve also tried hello_world:
west build -p always -b xiao_ble samples/hello_world
Both complete without errors. I then mount the board, and copy
the file:
cp ./build/blinky/zephyr/zephyr.uf2 /media/jtm/XIAO-SENSE
cp ./build/hello_world/zephyr/zephyr.uf2 /media/jtm/XIAO-SENSE
After writing the file to flash, the board appears to reset and
then nothing happens. No LEDs blink, no USB serial port is enumerated.
If I reset (pressing the button only once), the board enters the
Any idea what the problem could be?