XIAO using Grove BME680 sensor with SoftwareI2C

Hello All

I have realized that I have to use the SoftwareI2C library when working with an I2C device. There is a library for the Grove BME680. I tried to modify the original library from the Wire-library to the SoftwareI2C-library. So far unfortunately without success: the call !bme680.init() was never successful. Please find below all modified sections from the original libraries and code (marked bold):


#include “seeed_bme680.h”
#include "SoftwareI2C.h"

**bme680.initSoftwareI2C(4, 5);     // sda, scl**
while (!bme680.init()) {


#include <SPI.h>
#include <SoftwareI2C.h>
#include “bme680.h”

sensor_result_t sensor_result_value;

**void initSoftwareI2C(int __sda, int __scl);**



static int8_t user_define_spi_pinmap_flag;
SoftwareI2C Wire;

/ @brief Initialization of the softwarei2c**
** @param w pointer to softwarei2c object.**
** @param __sda pin number of i2c data line.**
** @param __scl pin number of i2c clock line.**
** @return ture or false**
void Seeed_BME680::initSoftwareI2C(int __sda, int __scl) {
** Wire.begin(__sda, __scl);

/** @brief IIC reading interface
@param dev_id IIC device address
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data Storing data read from registers.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
int8_t iic_read(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {
int32_t i = 0;
** Wire.write((uint8_t)reg_addr);**
** Wire.endTransmission();**
if (len != Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)dev_id, (byte)len)) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
reg_data[i] = (uint8_t)Wire.read();
return 0;

/** @brief IIC wrting interface
@param dev_id IIC device address
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data The data need to be transmitted.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
int8_t iic_write(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {
int32_t i = 0;
** Wire.write((uint8_t)reg_addr);**

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return 0;


From a scan of the I2C addresses I know that the sensor is properly at address 0x76, is responding and the SoftwareI2c library is working.
If any knows how to solve this problem or has already done it, I would be glad to hear about.
Best Regards

Would it be possible to provide the complete software, may you are using other modules that have conflict with this grove sensor.

Of course with pleasure. All the source code is from the Seeeduino Website with the above mentioned modifictions:

The main program Seeed_BME_01.ino:

#include “seeed_bme680.h”

#include “SoftwareI2C.h”

#define BME_SCK 13
#define BME_MISO 12
#define BME_MOSI 11
#define BME_CS 10

#define IIC_ADDR uint8_t(0x76)

/** NOTE!!! Select the communication protocol correctly **/

Seeed_BME680 bme680(IIC_ADDR); /* IIC PROTOCOL /
//Seeed_BME680 bme680; /

void setup() {
while (!Serial);
Serial.println(“Serial start!!!”);
bme680.initSoftwareI2C(4, 5); // sda, scl
while (!bme680.init()) {
Serial.println(“bme680 init failed ! can’t find device!”);

void loop() {
if (bme680.read_sensor_data()) {
Serial.println(“Failed to perform reading :(”);
Serial.print(“temperature ===>> “);
Serial.println(” C”);

Serial.print("pressure ===>> ");
Serial.print(bme680.sensor_result_value.pressure / 1000.0);
Serial.println(" KPa");

Serial.print("humidity ===>> ");
Serial.println(" %");

Serial.print("gas ===>> ");
Serial.print(bme680.sensor_result_value.gas / 1000.0);
Serial.println(" Kohms");




the modified BME680 library seeed_bme680.h (header)

Library for BME680

Copyright (c) 2013 Seeed Technology Co., Ltd.
Author        :   downey
Create Time   :   2017/12/08
Change Log    :

#ifndef _SEEED_BME680_H
#define _SEEED_BME680_H

/** @file seeed_bme680.h
@author downey
@data 2017/12/08
@brief Include file.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SoftwareI2C.h>
#include “bme680.h”

#define BME680_DEFAULT_SPIFREQ (1000000)

/** @brief Result of sensor’s value.

typedef struct Result {
float temperature;

float pressure;

float humidity;

float gas;

} sensor_result_t;


class Seeed_BME680 {
Seeed_BME680(uint8_t iic_addr);
Seeed_BME680(int8_t cs = 10, int8_t mosi = 11, int8_t miso = 12, int8_t sck = 13);
bool init();

int8_t read_sensor_data(void);
float read_temperature(void);
float read_pressure(void);
float read_humidity(void);
float read_gas(void);

sensor_result_t sensor_result_value;

void initSoftwareI2C(int __sda, int __scl);


struct bme680_dev sensor_param;      /**< Official LIB structure.*/



the C-routines seeed_bme680.cpp

@file seeed_bme680.cpp
Library for BME680

Copyright (c) 2013 Seeed Technology Co., Ltd.
@author        :   downey
@date Create Time   :   2017/12/08
Change Log    :


@brief The main driver file of BME680 sensor.

BME680 support for temperature,humidity,indoor-air_quality(gas) and pressure value measurement,
The result of measurement is stored in class  Seeed_BME680->sensor_result_value.
BME680 support for two communication protocol-SPI and IIC,The different communication  protocol
corresponding different constructor.Furthermore,you can customize the pin when your development board's SPI
interface is mismatch with official.All you have to do is choose different ways to instantiate object.

#include “seeed_bme680.h”

static int8_t spi_pinmap_cs;
static int8_t spi_pinmap_mosi;
static int8_t spi_pinmap_miso;
static int8_t spi_pinmap_sck;
static int8_t user_define_spi_pinmap_flag;

SoftwareI2C Wire;

/** @brief constructor of IIC interface.
@param addr The BME680 device IIC address.
@return NONE.
Seeed_BME680::Seeed_BME680(uint8_t addr) {
sensor_param.dev_id = addr;
sensor_param.intf = BME680_I2C_INTF;

/** @brief constructor of SPI interface.
@param cs The cs pin of SPI interface,Default value is 10;
@param mosi The mosi pin of SPI interface,Default value is 11;
@param miso The miso pin of SPI interface,Default value is 12;
@param sck The sck pin of SPI interface,Default value is 13;
@note It will call the different SPI transmission API when user customizes SPI pin
@return NONE.
Seeed_BME680::Seeed_BME680(int8_t cs, int8_t mosi, int8_t miso, int8_t sck) {
sensor_param.intf = BME680_SPI_INTF;
spi_pinmap_cs = cs;
spi_pinmap_mosi = mosi;
spi_pinmap_miso = miso;
spi_pinmap_sck = sck;
if ((10 == cs) && (11 == mosi) && (miso == 12) && (sck == 13)) {
user_define_spi_pinmap_flag = 0;
Serial.println(“normal spi pin map!!”);
} else {
user_define_spi_pinmap_flag = 1;
Serial.println(“user define spi pin map!!”);

///@brief This function implements the temperature value of the read sensor
/// @param NONE.
/// @return sensor_result_value.temperature The result of temperature value.
float Seeed_BME680:: read_temperature(void) {
if (read_sensor_data()) {
return 0;
return sensor_result_value.temperature;

///@brief This function implements the pressure value of the read sensor
/// @param NONE.
/// @return sensor_result_value.pressure The result of pressure value.
float Seeed_BME680:: read_pressure(void) {
if (read_sensor_data()) {
return 0;
return sensor_result_value.pressure;

/** @brief This function implements the humidity value of the read sensor
@param NONE.
@return sensor_result_value.humidity The result of humidity value.
float Seeed_BME680:: read_humidity(void) {
if (read_sensor_data()) {
return 0;
return sensor_result_value.humidity;

/** @brief This function implements the gas value of the read sensor
@param NONE.
@return sensor_result_value.gas The result of gas value.
float Seeed_BME680:: read_gas(void) {
if (read_sensor_data()) {
return 0;
return sensor_result_value.gas;

/** @brief Getting four kinds of result value from the sensor.
@param NONE.
@return Result of function excution. The normal exit is only when it returns BME680_OK(0).
int8_t Seeed_BME680::read_sensor_data(void) {

struct bme680_field_data data;

int8_t ret;

sensor_param.power_mode = BME680_FORCED_MODE;

uint16_t settings_sel;

sensor_param.tph_sett.os_hum = BME680_OS_1X;
sensor_param.tph_sett.os_pres = BME680_OS_16X;
sensor_param.tph_sett.os_temp = BME680_OS_2X;

sensor_param.gas_sett.run_gas = BME680_ENABLE_GAS_MEAS;
// sensor_param.gas_sett.heatr_dur = 150;
// sensor_param.gas_sett.heatr_temp = 320;
sensor_param.gas_sett.heatr_dur = 100;
sensor_param.gas_sett.heatr_temp = 300;

settings_sel = BME680_OST_SEL | BME680_OSH_SEL | BME680_OSP_SEL | BME680_FILTER_SEL | BME680_GAS_SENSOR_SEL;

/*Set sensor's registers*/
if (ret = bme680_set_sensor_settings(settings_sel, &sensor_param)) {
    Serial.print("bme680_set_sensor_settings() ==>ret value = ");
    return -1;
/*Set sensor's mode ,activate sensor*/
if (ret = bme680_set_sensor_mode(&sensor_param)) {
    Serial.print("bme680_set_sensor_mode() ==>ret value = ");
    return -2;

uint16_t meas_period;
bme680_get_profile_dur(&meas_period, &sensor_param);

delay(meas_period);   /**<It is necessary to delay for a duration time */

/*Get sensor's result value from registers*/
if (ret = bme680_get_sensor_data(&data, &sensor_param)) {
    Serial.print("bme680_get_sensor_data() ==>ret value = ");
    return -3;

sensor_result_value.temperature = data.temperature / 100.0;
sensor_result_value.humidity = data.humidity / 1000.0;
sensor_result_value.pressure = data.pressure;
if (data.status & BME680_HEAT_STAB_MSK) {
    sensor_result_value.gas = data.gas_resistance;
} else {
    sensor_result_value.gas = 0;
return BME680_OK;


/** @brief IIC reading interface
@param dev_id IIC device address
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data Storing data read from registers.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
int8_t iic_read(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {
int32_t i = 0;
if (len != Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)dev_id, (byte)len)) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
reg_data[i] = (uint8_t)Wire.read();
return 0;

/** @brief IIC wrting interface
@param dev_id IIC device address
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data The data need to be transmitted.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
int8_t iic_write(uint8_t dev_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {
int32_t i = 0;

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return 0;


/** @brief SPI read and write one byte.
@param x The byte needs to be transmitted.
@return The byte received from sensor.
static uint8_t spi_transfer(uint8_t x) {
if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {
return SPI.transfer(x);
// Serial.println(spi_pinmap_cs);
uint8_t reply = 0;
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i–) {
reply <<= 1;
digitalWrite(spi_pinmap_sck, LOW);
digitalWrite(spi_pinmap_mosi, x & (1 << i));
digitalWrite(spi_pinmap_sck, HIGH);
if (digitalRead(spi_pinmap_miso)) {
reply |= 1;
return reply;

/** @brief SPI reading interface
@param cspin cspin of SPI hardware interface.
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data Storing data read from registers.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
static int8_t spi_read(uint8_t cspin, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {
uint32_t i = 0;
digitalWrite(cspin, LOW);

if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {
    SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(BME680_DEFAULT_SPIFREQ, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));


for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    reg_data[i] = spi_transfer(0x00);
if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {

digitalWrite(cspin, HIGH);

return 0;


/** @brief SPI wrting interface
@param cspin cspin of SPI hardware interface.
@param reg_addr The register address for operated.
@param reg_data The data need to be transmitted.
@param len Length of data.
@return The normal exit is only when it returns 0.
static int8_t spi_write(uint8_t cspin, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t
reg_data, uint16_t len) {

uint32_t i = 0;
digitalWrite(cspin, LOW);
if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {
    SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(BME680_DEFAULT_SPIFREQ, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));


for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {
digitalWrite(cspin, HIGH);
return 0;


/** @brief delay milliseconds
@param ms milliseconds
@return NONE
static void delay_msec(uint32_t ms) {

/** @brief Initialization of sensor
@param NONE
@return ture or false
bool Seeed_BME680::init() {
/User specifies IIC protocol in constructor./

if (sensor_param.intf == BME680_I2C_INTF) {
    sensor_param.read = iic_read;
    sensor_param.write = iic_write;
/*User specifies SPI protocol in constructor.*/
else if (sensor_param.intf == BME680_SPI_INTF) {

    digitalWrite(spi_pinmap_cs, HIGH);
    pinMode(spi_pinmap_cs, OUTPUT);

    if (0 == user_define_spi_pinmap_flag) {
    } else {
        pinMode(spi_pinmap_sck, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(spi_pinmap_mosi, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(spi_pinmap_miso, INPUT);

    sensor_param.dev_id = spi_pinmap_cs;
    sensor_param.intf = BME680_SPI_INTF;
    sensor_param.read = &spi_read;
    sensor_param.write = &spi_write;

sensor_param.delay_ms = delay_msec;

int8_t ret = BME680_OK;
/*Check the wiring,Check whether the protocol stack is normal and Read the calibrated value from sensor */
if (ret = bme680_init(&sensor_param)) {
    // Serial.print("bme680_init() ==>ret value = ");
    // Serial.println(ret);
    return false;
/*Print the calibrated value of sensor.*/
#if 0
Serial.print("T1 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_t1);
Serial.print("T2 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_t2);
Serial.print("T3 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_t3);
Serial.print("P1 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p1);
Serial.print("P2 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p2);
Serial.print("P3 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p3);
Serial.print("P4 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p4);
Serial.print("P5 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p5);
Serial.print("P6 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p6);
Serial.print("P7 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p7);
Serial.print("P8 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p8);
Serial.print("P9 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p9);
Serial.print("P10 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_p10);
Serial.print("H1 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h1);
Serial.print("H2 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h2);
Serial.print("H3 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h3);
Serial.print("H4 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h4);
Serial.print("H5 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h5);
Serial.print("H6 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h6);
Serial.print("H7 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_h7);
Serial.print("G1 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh1);
Serial.print("G2 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh2);
Serial.print("G3 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh3);
Serial.print("G1 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh1);
Serial.print("G2 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh2);
Serial.print("G3 = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.par_gh3);
Serial.print("Heat Range = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.res_heat_range);
Serial.print("Heat Val = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.res_heat_val);
Serial.print("SW Error = "); Serial.println(sensor_param.calib.range_sw_err);

return true;


/** @brief Initialization of the softwarei2c
@param w pointer to softwarei2c object.
@param __sda pin number of i2c data line.
@param __scl pin number of i2c clock line.
@return ture or false
void Seeed_BME680::initSoftwareI2C(int __sda, int __scl) {
Wire.begin(__sda, __scl);

the other three files bme680.h, bme680.cpp and bme680_defs.h are unchanged from the Seeed_BME680-master (from https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Temperature_Humidity_Pressure_Gas_Sensor_BME680/ and https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeed_BME680

I hope this allows for easily compiling of the code.
Regards, JuergL

Hi there,

I am not able even to run the SoftwareI2C_Scan example on the Xiao, I start thinking that Software I2C is not supported at all on the Xiao.

Can anybody confirm me this, or point me out to the right direction - if any ?
Thanks !

This is an old thread so maybe things have changed since the thread was already started. The original poster seemed to imply a software I2C driver was required to talk to I2c devices however I am using hardware I2C and I can communicate with multiple I2C devices including the BME680 without issues.