XIAO RP2350 has RGB LED but "IS_RGBW true" in code

According to the schematic and the pcb, the XIAO RP2350 has a RGB LED.
But in the RGB Blink example code there is a line #define IS_RGBW true.
This seems like a contradiction.
Does anybody know, why it’s not #define IS_RGBW false?

Maybe the RGB LED forgives the extra 8 bits without pause, but the code is still misleading.
I don’t own a XIAO RP2350 yet, so I can’t test.

Hi there,

So They sent me one of these and I thought to check it out.
First you will need SUN GLASSES :sunglasses:

This thing is BRIGHT. So looking at the Schematic you see the signal goes thru a 1-Bit Bidirectional Voltage level Translator UM3301DA, NO inversion takes place.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Merry Christmas :santa:

The question is, if it is RGB or RGBW.

And if it is RGB, why does the code is RGBW?

In the video because of brightness I am not able to really distinguish all the colors.
