Xiao rp2040 with Arduino IDE 1.8.19 upload simple sketch failed

Here are some notes about how I got things to work. If any Seeed developers can read this, maybe they can make a fix. It’s really simple once you know what the problem is.

Bottom line:

  1. Use Boards Manager to remove XIAO RP2040 package 2.7.2
  2. Use Boards Manager to install package 1.12.0
  3. Use Boards Manager to upgrade the package to 2.7.2

Note that these steps fix the missing tools blunder that my other post refers to, but does not fix the upper-case blunder that Linux users like @rbehm must fix. (Rather than rename the file, I created a symbolic link.)



Footnote: When you are in Boot mode, you can drag and drop a MicroPython or CircuitPython script to the board, but Arduino can not talk to it since there is no serial port.

With the Arduino tools installed as I showed above, you get a serial port to use with Arduino when you do a non-boot reset. After the very first upload from Arduino the serial port number may (or, maybe, not) change to a new value, which you will use for all subsequent Arduino activity.