发现arduion里使用的LSM6DS3 Libraries库不能完全正确用于LSM6DS3TR-C
查看Seeed XIAO nRF52840 v1.0.pdf 电路图得到Sense使用的是LSM6DS3TR-C芯片,两个是有点区别!?
Good catch… I see this in the two data sheets, Looks like FIFO and Android compatibility Diff.
Smart FIFO up to 4 kbyte based on features set
Android M compliant
Smart FIFO up to 8 kbyte based on features set
Compliant with Android K and L
seeed tech any Light ?
我们制作的这个库的功能应该是可以应用在XIAO BLE上的,如有不能使用的功能,可以向我们提供相关反馈,谢谢。
Also the resolution of something or other is different, 12-bit on the LSM6DS3 and 16-bit on the LSM6DS3TR-C, e.g. compare: G_ODR max, TSen, T_ADC_res. However, for the way you use the IMU, it shouldn’t matter.
That’s a different board.
Read the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register to confirm. Its value is 0x69 for LSM6DS3 and 0x6a for LSM6DS3TR-C.
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