XIAO NRF52840 shematic reading help needed

Hi, I’m trying to create my pcb and I’m using Seeed Studio NRF52840 as inspiration for board shematic design. But I’m stuck at few parts, so can somebody tell me where I should connect this circled connections. Also can somebody suggest me small pMOS and small voltage regulator.

Hi there,
I would say at the red Arrow…
it’s called out in the pins XLS on WiKi

B5	DEC4	Power	1.3 V regulator supply decoupling	Must be connected to DEC6 (pin E24)

I don’t see the CE, but pretty sure the VIN is a Tag only , it’s on the C3 also.
Send Seeed tech support an e-mail and ask also.
Gl:-) PJ :v:

Thank you

I will send them