Hi all.
I’m developing a project based on the xiao nrf52840 sense board in arduino ide.
It will feature load cell reading (hx711), internal imu use, battery level monitoring, ble server , ota dfu, eeprom emulation.
The xiao wiki suggest the use of mbed library package for better imu performances, but I suspect that this will negatively affect all my other goals.
Am I right?
In my experience, the IMU works fine with non-mbed for simple data collection.
Hi there,
So , not really Apples to Apples.
You can use either, HOWEVER it may require some hardware to enhance or make each work. many users report success with both and mostly ota dfu in mbed probably the only issue, YMMV.
The non-mbed stretches the possibilities if your code work is up to it.
Bluefruit, eeprom (flash) emulation, Battery Level, BLE Central or Peripheral. You don’t indicate the interface used for the load cell
G-man Says this :
“The HX711 is a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that is designed for industrial control applications and weighing scales. It can amplify signals from cells and report them to another microcontroller. The HX711 has a range of 0 to 16777215, and a PGA with selectable gain levels of 32, 64, and 128. It can measure up to 200 kg, or 440 lbs, when four cells are combined into a single scale”
Check out the IMU threads…
The HX711 breakout is connected through 2gpios (data,clock).
Imu read angular velocity 80 times/sec.
The system is already working with a xiao Esp32c3 on a custom board, but the power consumption is too high, even in deep sleep. Also I have some issue at the first power up after the battery discharge, always I need to hardreset the board, which is not an option.
For these reasons I’m switching to the Nrf52840