Xiao nRF52840 examples not working with Zephyr >2.6

Does anybody know why the examples (I tried blinky and blinky_pwm) do not work with Zephyr greater than 2.6.2? I checked 2.6.0 (works), 2.6.2 (works), 2.7.0 (does not work), 2.8.0 (does not work).

The symptoms are that the application builds and can be uploaded, but then the LED does not blink.

Is that a problem with board definitions not updated for current Zephyr versions?

Hi there,

So FWIW, I tried the Nordic LBS demo (posted here) with the Xiao Nrf52840 Sense. I used 2.6.1 through 2.8.0., No issues with builds or Jlink everything builds and Advertises.
I did have to install the tool chain for 2.8.0 and it updated some Zephyr stuff , restarted and rebooted. ALL Systems GO!

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: