Hi, is there a Seeed/Xiao specific BLE library and sample code for the nRF52840?
More specifically does it support secure OTA DFU ?
Hi, is there a Seeed/Xiao specific BLE library and sample code for the nRF52840?
More specifically does it support secure OTA DFU ?
Hi there,
and welcome here,
Short answers , YES & YES.
ArduinoBLE is what you would use to get started. Depending on the Board Support Package you Select, Mbed or NON-mbed After that Either ArduinoBLE or Adafruit BluFruit are your choices.
To achieve the Secure OTA DFU , you may need to use the Nordic SDK to get the highest level (Security) possible.
Check out the Myriad of threads on BLE info and demos, as well as the included Examples in the Arduino IDE when you add the Libraries. WHat is you end Goal here?
Post up any code or schematics or pics of the DUT and lots of smart folks here can offer help.
The Xiao Nrf52840 BLE & Sense versions both work well with android/apple mobile apps too. FYI
Hi PJ and thanks for your helpful reply.
I have done my development work with the Adafruit Blufruit and managed to successfully do BLE UART from the App to/from the nRF52840 module thanks to the Adafruit BLE library etc. I have also managed to do OTA DFU using nRF Connect App but it only works with legacy DFU which means I have to use a very old phone that doesn’t use secure BLE.
Changing BLE libraries at this point will be a major pain I’m guessing but I need this feature. I wrongly assumed that this would be a formality but it appears that Adafruit doesn’t fully support OTA DFU.
The project has been developed on Arduino so I am looking for a solution that will slot in. If I get the OTA DFU working successfully on the Nordic SDK I assume this will not work if my hardware has an Arduino compatible bootloader?
In a nutshell, my end goal is for my phone App to be able to perform secure BLE OTA DFU for the Nordic nRF52840 that will work on modern phones given that my embedded code is Arduino based.
Hi there,
Wow, Yes, you got up to speed on it quick good going. Pretty standard app approach with secure OTA update to device. NRF-SDK is the way to go there. adafruit comes up short albeit they have their own bootloader etc.
Thanks again PJ,
Can you just confirm if is possible to have an Arduino compatible bootloader but perform App based BLE DFU derived from the Nordic SDK?
Hi there,
I wish I knew for sure, but I don’t so just as a sanity check, post that Question over on the Nordic Support site the answers come usually pretty fast. I think yes but, You’ll want to be certain.
Good shout PJ - thank you
Speaking about BLE library: what about this one?
which adds support for Arduino-Nimble library
Why? I have successfully used NimBLE for ESP32C3 board and just want to re-use the same code for nrf52840. Any experience with this library? I haven’t tried the OTA yet, not sure it supports it.