Xiao nRF52840 BLE Code Breaking

I’ve recently started programming for the xiao seed nrf52840 using nrf connect in vscode. I apologize if this isn’t the right place to ask for this, but I’ve been trying to get my code to run for weeks and would appreciate any help, or direction to the right place to ask. Here is the code below, and my problems under that. To give context, I am scanning for bluetooth advertisement/scan response packets, and storing the mac address, rssi, etc into a struct, which are then stored in an array to act as a table.

 * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci_vs.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>

//K_HEAP_DEFINE(k_heap, 132144)



#define INITIAL_CAPACITY 20 //Initial capacity of table


size_t memory_allocated = 0; //Count for how many total bytes allocated

//-----------------------------------Setup payloads and info for diff types of devices-------------------------------//

// Samsung payload: 7500021834a1c26fdaa3af786a18b83956be257edc360b5a59d8
static const uint8_t advPayload2[] = {
    0x75, 0x00, 0x02, 0x18, 0x34, 0xa1, 0xc2, 0x6f, 0xda, 0xa3, 0xaf, 0x78,
    0x6a, 0x18, 0xb8, 0x39, 0x56, 0xbe, 0x25, 0x7e, 0xdc, 0x36, 0x0b, 0x5a,
    0x59, 0xd8

//-------------------------Setup data sent in scan response package and advertisement package----------------------//
static uint8_t scan_data[] = {'V', 'S', ' ', 'S', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e'};

// Declare data sent for scan response 
static const struct bt_data scan_rsp_data[] = {
	BT_DATA(BT_DATA_MANUFACTURER_DATA, scan_data, sizeof(scan_data)),

static const struct bt_le_adv_param parameters = {
	.options = ADV_OPTIONS,
	.interval_min = ADV_MIN_INTERVAL,
	.interval_max = ADV_MAX_INTERVAL,

//Advertisement data 
static const struct bt_data adv_data[] = {
	//keep these top two for apple
	//BT_DATA_BYTES(BT_DATA_TX_POWER, 0x07), //airdrop tx
	//BT_DATA(BT_DATA_NAME_COMPLETE, tozoName, sizeof(tozoName)),

	BT_DATA(BT_DATA_MANUFACTURER_DATA, advPayload2, sizeof(advPayload2)),

	//google pixel buds

	/*BT_DATA(BT_DATA_SVC_DATA16, serviceDataGoogle, sizeof(serviceDataGoogle)),
    BT_DATA(BT_DATA_TX_POWER, &txPowerLevelGoogle, sizeof(txPowerLevelGoogle)),
    BT_DATA(BT_DATA_UUID16_ALL, serviceUUIDGoogle, sizeof(serviceUUIDGoogle)),*/

	//BT_DATA(BT_DATA_MANUFACTURER_DATA, trackerPayload, sizeof(trackerPayload)),

//Setup struct for advertisement data and scan response data 
//right now same struct because same types of data held, might need diff structs and diff tables later
struct ble_data {
        char type[4];
        bt_addr_le_t addr;
        int8_t max_rssi;
        int8_t min_rssi;
        int64_t first_seen;
        int64_t last_seen;
        struct net_buf_simple *buf;

//Array to hold ble_data as a table
struct ble_data_table {
    struct ble_data *data;          // Pointer to the array data
    size_t size;        // Current number of elements in the array
    size_t capacity;    // Current capacity of the array

//Declare and the table used to store recieved data 
//needs to be here to be accessed globally, callback functions can't have extra parameters to pass this in
struct ble_data_table table;

//----------------------------------------- Functions -------------------------------------------//

void remove_from_table(struct ble_data_table *table, size_t index) {
    if (index >= table->size) {
        // Index out of bounds check
        printf("Error: Index out of bounds\n");

    // Free memory associated with buf if it's not NULL
    if (table->data[index].buf != NULL) {
        uint16_t data_size = table->data[index].buf->size;
        memory_allocated -= (sizeof(struct net_buf_simple) + data_size);

    // Shift elements to the left to fill the gap
    for (size_t i = index; i < table->size - 1; ++i) {
        table->data[i] = table->data[i + 1];

    // Update size of the table

// Function to add a row of data to the dynamic array
static void append_to_table(struct ble_data_table *table, struct ble_data row_data, time_t current_time, int8_t curr_rssi, struct net_buf_simple *buf) {

    // Check if resizing is necessary
    if (table->size >= table->capacity) {
        // Attempt to double the capacity
        size_t newCapacity = table->capacity * 2;
        struct ble_data *temp = realloc(table->data, sizeof(struct ble_data) * newCapacity);
        //if there isn't enough memory
        if (temp == NULL) {
            printk("Error: Insufficient memory to resize the array\n");

        memory_allocated += sizeof(struct ble_data) * (table->capacity);
        //printk("Memory Allocated After Resizing: %zu\n", memory_allocated);

        table->data = temp;
        table->capacity = newCapacity;

    // Add the new element
    row_data.first_seen = current_time;
    row_data.last_seen = current_time;
    row_data.max_rssi = curr_rssi;
    row_data.min_rssi = curr_rssi;
    row_data.buf = buf;
    table->data[table->size++] = row_data;

//function to copy payload struct and it's data and return new pointer, returns NULL if not enough memory
static struct net_buf_simple *copy_buf(struct net_buf_simple *buf) {
    if (buf == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    //copy buf data structure
    struct net_buf_simple *buf_copy = malloc(sizeof(struct net_buf_simple));
    if (!buf_copy) {
        // printk("buf_copy failed\n");
        // fflush(stdout);
        return NULL;
    memory_allocated += sizeof(struct net_buf_simple);
    //printk("Memory Allocated after making buf_copy: %zu\n", memory_allocated);
    buf_copy->len = buf->len;
    buf_copy->size = buf->size;

    //copy data of buf
    uint8_t *buf_data_copy = malloc(buf->len);
    if (!buf_data_copy) {
        // printk("about to free buf_copy\n");
        // fflush(stdout);
        memory_allocated -= sizeof(struct net_buf_simple);
        //printk("Memory Allocated after freeing buf_copy: %zu\n", memory_allocated);
        // printk("buf_data_copy failed\n");
        // fflush(stdout);
        return NULL;
    memory_allocated += buf->size;
    //printk("Memory Allocated after making buf_data_copy: %zu\n", memory_allocated);
    memcpy(buf_data_copy, buf->data, buf->len);
    buf_copy->data = buf_data_copy;

    return buf_copy;

//Function to update table (either append or update seen entry)
//NOTE: I malloc space to store payload data, will need to free if I remove rows
static void update_table(struct ble_data_table *table, struct ble_data row_data, int8_t curr_rssi, struct net_buf_simple *buf) {
        int64_t current_time = k_uptime_get();

        // Temporary storage for MACaddress string representations
        char addr_str_1[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
        char addr_str_2[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
        // Get the string representation of the incoming row_data address
        strncpy(addr_str_1, bt_addr_le_str(&row_data.addr), BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN);

        // Check if the MAC address already exists in the table
        for (size_t i = 0; i < table->size; ++i) {

            // Get the string representation of the current table entry address
            strncpy(addr_str_2, bt_addr_le_str(&table->data[i].addr), BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN);

            if (strcmp(addr_str_1, addr_str_2) == 0) { //if strings are equal

                if (curr_rssi >= -75) {
                    remove_from_table(table, i);
                    //printk("Element %zu removed, with address %s\n", i, addr_str_2);
                    //printk("Element %zu removed\n", i);
                else {
                    // Update the last seen time
                    table->data[i].last_seen = current_time;

                    //Check to update max rssi
                    if (curr_rssi > table->data[i].max_rssi) {
                            table->data[i].max_rssi = curr_rssi;
                    if (curr_rssi < table->data[i].min_rssi) {
                            table->data[i].min_rssi = curr_rssi;

                    //Free memory of previous buf and update buf, if it's not NULL
                    if (table->data[i].buf != NULL) {
                        printk("Data freed\n");
                    row_data.buf = buf;
                    // printk("Element %zu updated\n", i);
                    // fflush(stdout);

                    return; // Exit function since the entry has been updated


        //if not already in table and conditions are met, add new entry
        if (curr_rssi >= -75) {
            append_to_table(table, row_data, current_time, curr_rssi, buf);
        //printk("Element %zu with address %s appended to table\n", table->size, addr_str_1);
        //printk("Element %zu appended to table\n", table->size - 1);
        // fflush(stdout);

//Callback function after receiving advertisements, I take the ad data and call update_table
static void scan_cb(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, int8_t rssi, uint8_t adv_type, struct net_buf_simple *buf)
    // printk("ad found\n");
    // fflush(stdout);
    //initialize data struct, with values I can fill without checking if package is already in table
	struct ble_data row;
    strcpy(row.type, "ADV");
    row.addr = *addr;

    // make a copy of the buf and data in the buf (copy_buf test)
    struct net_buf_simple *buf_copy = copy_buf(buf);

    //k_mutex_lock(&table_mutex, K_FOREVER);
    //update table, and fill in rest of the values
    update_table(&table, row, rssi, buf_copy);

//Loop through packet to get each ad element and print data as hexadecimals, used to print pacakge payload data
static void take_scan_data(struct bt_data *data, void *user_data)
	//printk("type: %u,len: %u,", data->type, data->data_len);
	for (int i = 0; i < data->data_len; i++) {
		printk("%02x", data->data[i]);

//Extract data from buf (for each element in packet) coming from scan requests
//This is called multiple times per adv packet
static bool vs_scanned(struct net_buf_simple *buf)
    // printk("req found\n");
    // fflush(stdout);
	struct bt_hci_evt_vs_scan_req_rx *evt;
	struct bt_hci_evt_vs *vs;

	//extract data from buf
	vs = net_buf_simple_pull_mem(buf, sizeof(*vs));
	evt = (void *)buf->data;

    struct ble_data row;
    strcpy(row.type, "REQ");
    row.addr = evt->addr;
    row.buf = NULL;
    int8_t curr_rssi = evt->rssi;

    //k_mutex_lock(&table_mutex, K_FOREVER);
    update_table(&table, row, curr_rssi, row.buf);


	return true;

// Function to initialize my dynamic table
static void init_table(struct ble_data_table *arr) {
    arr->data = malloc(sizeof(struct ble_data) * INITIAL_CAPACITY);
    memory_allocated += sizeof(struct ble_data) * INITIAL_CAPACITY;
    arr->size = 0;
    arr->capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY;

// Function to print the contents of the table
static void print_table(struct ble_data_table *table) {
    //k_mutex_lock(&table_mutex, K_FOREVER);
    printk("Table contents:\n");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < table->size; i++) {
        printk("Element %zu: type=%s, addr=%s, max_rssi=%d, min_rssi=%d, first_seen=%lld, last_seen=%lld, package=", i, table->data[i].type, bt_addr_le_str(&table->data[i].addr), table->data[i].max_rssi, table->data[i].min_rssi, table->data[i].first_seen, table->data[i].last_seen);
        //print the payload data using take_scan_data after parsing it if it's has a payload
        if (table->data[i].buf != NULL) {

            // bt_data_parse(table->data[i].buf, take_scan_data, NULL);
            // fflush(stdout);

            //PARSE CONSUMES THE BUF, so I will make copy and parse that
            struct net_buf_simple *buf_copy = copy_buf(table->data[i].buf);
            if (buf_copy != NULL) {
                uint16_t data_size = buf_copy->size;
                bt_data_parse(buf_copy, take_scan_data, NULL);
                memory_allocated -= (data_size + sizeof(struct net_buf_simple));

                // free(buf_copy->data);
                // buf_copy->data = NULL;
                // free(buf_copy);
                // buf_copy = NULL;
            else {

                printk("\ncopy for printing table failed\n");

/* Bluetooth specification doesn't allow the scan request event with legacy advertisements.
 * Ref: Bluetooth Core Specification v5.4, section "LE Scan Request Received event" :
 *      "This event shall only be generated if advertising was enabled using the
 *       HCI_LE_Set_Extended_Advertising_Enable command."
 * Added a Vendor Specific command to add this feature and save RAM.
static void enable_legacy_adv_scan_request_event(bool enable)
	struct bt_hci_cp_vs_set_scan_req_reports *cp;
	struct net_buf *buf;
	int err;

	buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_VS_SET_SCAN_REQ_REPORTS, sizeof(*cp));
	if (!buf) {
		printk("%s: Unable to allocate HCI command buffer\n", __func__);

	cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp));
	cp->enable = (uint8_t) enable;

	err = bt_hci_cmd_send(BT_HCI_OP_VS_SET_SCAN_REQ_REPORTS, buf);
	if (err) {
		printk("Set legacy cb err: %d\n", err);

int main(void)
    //Initialize table 

    /* Initialize the Bluetooth Subsystem */
	int err = bt_enable(NULL);
	if (err) {
		printk("Bluetooth init failed (err %d)\n", err);
		return 0;

    //Set scan parameters
    struct bt_le_scan_param scan_param = {
		.type       = BT_HCI_LE_SCAN_PASSIVE,
		.options    = BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_NONE,
		.interval   = 0x0010,
		.window     = 0x0010,

	//printk("Starting Scanner/Advertiser Demo\n");

	//Start the scan, scan_cb is callback function for when advertisements are found
    printk("start scanning\n");
	err = bt_le_scan_start(&scan_param, scan_cb);
	if (err) {
		printk("Starting scanning failed (err %d)\n", err);
		return 0;

	//Set vs_scanned as callback for when scan requests are found
    printk("setting scan request callback\n");
	err = bt_hci_register_vnd_evt_cb(vs_scanned);
	if (err) {
		printk("VS user callback register err %d\n", err);
		return err;


	//Start advertising, adv_data can simulate specific device
    printk("start advertising\n");
	err = bt_le_adv_start(&parameters, adv_data, ARRAY_SIZE(adv_data),
			      scan_rsp_data, ARRAY_SIZE(scan_rsp_data));
	if (err) {
		printk("Advertising failed to start (err %d)\n", err);
		return 0;

    while (1) {
    // Print something every x milliseconds
    printk("Memory Allocated: %zu\n", memory_allocated);
    printk("Time Passed = %lld\n", k_uptime_get());

	do {

		err = bt_hci_register_vnd_evt_cb(vs_scanned);
		if (err) {
			printk("VS user callback register err %d\n", err);
			return err;


		err = bt_le_adv_start(&parameters, adv_data, ARRAY_SIZE(adv_data),
					scan_rsp_data, ARRAY_SIZE(scan_rsp_data));
		if (err) {
			printk("Advertising failed to start (err %d)\n", err);
			return 0;


		err = bt_le_adv_stop();
		if (err) {
			printk("Advertising failed to stop (err %d)\n", err);
			return 0;
	} while (1);

	return 0;

  1. The main problem is that the program output to the terminal stops after a while, and I don’t know why. None of the print statements for failed mallocs and such go off, so I don’t think it’s a memory issue.

  2. This code runs fine when I copy the buffer from the scan_cb and pass it in to update_table, but if I copy the buffer in the table it doesn’t work. To my knowledge, shouldn’t the buffer be constant throughout the runtime of scan_cb? I don’t see why changing the order I copy the buffer should change anything.

  3. Sometimes when I make changes to this code, then build and flash the uf2, it leads to my COM port not even able to be read. Why is that?

  4. I am assuming the ble scanning happens in the background as a separate thread, while my main is another thread. Thus I thought there might possibly be conflicts with both accessing my table, but I tried using mutexes and also stopping the scan before printing my table but both did not work.

thanks for posting… i will look at it and we have other contributors who may know more… I have just revieved my XIAO Nrf52 and it is a little different than XIAO ESP32

1 Like

Hi there,
When you say “Stopped” is it at what Baud Rate do you have any flow control? any buffering ?
I dont’ get what you mean on Number 3? or are you saying When you drag and drop it to the Xiao or ?
BL mode switches com ports?
I recall a similar post, the scanning is filling the buffer before the serial was able to unload or something similar, took a while but eventually it would stop Serial output.
Try it with just the MAC addresses and see how long it takes, ALSO time it so you know if it’s always at the same interval.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

you’ll get it.


yes it does seem like maybe buffer overload… lowering the coms speed always helps

1 Like

Looks like the baud rate is default based on my zephyr.dts file:

uart0: xiao_serial: uart@40002000 {
			compatible = "nordic,nrf-uarte";
			reg = < 0x40002000 0x1000 >;
			interrupts = < 0x2 0x1 >;
			status = "okay";
			current-speed = < 0x1c200 >;
			pinctrl-0 = < &uart0_default >;
			pinctrl-1 = < &uart0_sleep >;
			pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";

No flow control that I’ve found. I will try changing it and see how it goes.

For number 3, I mean that if I make a change such as adding another printk statement in my main.c, then build, open bootloader, and flash into the nRF, it leads to my computer not able to find the COM port to read from anymore. As in when I try to open nRF serial terminal the COM port doesn’t show up. Sometimes it says access denied or file not found isntead. This has happened a few times but the only specific thing I’ve found to cause this is adding the extra printk statements so far.

I should have mentioned this originally, but this problem only arises once I start dealing with package data. Addresses, rssi, etc make the code work fine. Time-wise, with the print statement in my main loop for time it has shown to be inconsistent. Sometimes it stopped at 5 seconds and other times 15. (This was before when I would copy the buffer after calling update_table, which I still don’t understand why that matters). Now it stops after I free the previous buf pointer of a row in my update_table function.

//I have updated the code with a remove row function to reflect my current code

Hi there,
Yea , I see #3 as a port contention issue, If you have any other items using or registering the same com port it will fail. Even another third party flash program. Just FYI
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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