If possible we’ll want a custom MG24 board that includes the above that is also slightly longer than the current board.
Hi there,
I would disagree, The nullptr is sloppy coding and can cause it to brick, The dim LED is Stupid if it is asleep. The USB not disconnecting is Incorrect also. You can say whatever you want to try and justify these things but This DEVICE needs work. Yea, >5ua… LOL C’mon man
The dim led is caused by the MG tx pin powering the ATSAM which in turn powers the battery charging chip causing the red led to blink dimly… trying to charge the battery with itself…
The SAMD11 could be holding a certain “high power” state after USB removal but before a power cycle?
Perhaps it would be possible to force a SAMD11 reset by connecting a GPIO pin on the MG24 to the SAMD11 reset? D18 seems suitable?
Not sure what would happen unless I try
Make the MG tx pin open collector and put a pullup on it, might even be possible to make it open collector and pullup as a setting to the MG, some uCs can do it even on peripheral pins. Ideally the pullup should be on the ATSAM VCC side.