XIAO MG24 debugging not working

Clicking the debug button usually results in a popup message: “Request 2 cancelled on connection close”, I did add the json file to the sketch directory.

I did see the gdb-server tab once showing:
Waiting for gdb server to start…[2024-12-20T11:29:47.061Z] SERVER CONSOLE DEBUG: onBackendConnect: gdb-server session connected. You can switch to “DEBUG CONSOLE” to see GDB interactions.
/home/rikus/.arduino15/packages/SiliconLabs/tools/openocd/0.12.0-arduino1-static/bin/openocd -c “gdb_port 50000” -c “tcl_port 50001” -c “telnet_port 50002” -s /home/rikus/Arduino/fan/mg24_test -f /home/rikus/Arduino/arduino-ide_nightly-20241212_Linux_64bit/resources/app/plugins/cortex-debug/extension/support/openocd-helpers.tcl -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/efm32s2_g23.cfg
[2024-12-20T11:29:47.121Z] SERVER CONSOLE DEBUG: onBackendConnect: gdb-server session closed
GDB server session ended. This terminal will be reused, waiting for next session to start…

Hi there,

TWO things… Can you please keep all of these under one Thread, jumping around and making seperate threads doesn’t get help any faster. Also these are not posted in the correct category… I see no “Excellent Forum Solutions” in any of your posts?? We do Love the enthusiasm and interest as well as any contributions. But let’s stay organized and tidy…
ASK a question and try to be concise as well as Broad enough to include the Dev environment? ie. LINUX , windows, RPI ,Nvidia??, IDE maybe a version?

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:


It was listed under “Excellent Forum Solutions” and XIAO
IDE is Arduino 2.3.5 nightly build
OS is Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon
gdb --version —>GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.2) 12.1

Should I have put it all under MG24 related issues ?
Rikus :slight_smile:

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