Xiao IO expander COMING, and Going.. Roll your own. ✌

Hi there, can you tell me when these will be back ? I want 10 of them.

Acrylic Case for Seeed Studio XIAO Expansion board
SKU 110010024

Out of stock forever?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Are those pins holding the XIAO removed from the resistor? :rofl:

I checked this product and it is a stock-on-order product. It needs to have at least 100pcs before the factory will initiate production. Right now there are only 3… Plus yours is one, only 13. That’s a long way from starting production.

Hi There :slight_smile:
Wow, that’s allot. OK well how about releasing the drawing or PDF on the WIKI that would allow makers to make there own too. I was thinking of different color bases print with the 3d printer I have., and Yes those are the cut ends of the resistors Bent to make the contact pin for the socket. I’m sure you can appreciate to use what you got. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :ok_hand:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

:cowboy_hat_face: :v:

Got 'em… ANY Schematic PDF available ,? NONE on the WIKI btw
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :ok_hand:

Very cool.


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Thank You Citric,
I salute you :man_bowing:
I was encouraged by the expander…to make batt connection for socket.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Having some FUN.
Zip to CAD & STL files .
3D model Seeed_Xiao Socket.zip (2.0 MB)

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Make this expander with spring load bottom pins like on xiao expansion board and make sure it has a clip that goes over the top to hold down pressure

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most people dont know what they are missing with the expansion board and no acrylic case.
fyi put a piece of foam under the acrylic case and over the 8 pins on the right side. These pins stick up high enough that they can short out against wires or metal on the work bench… dont ask me how i know

go ahead and get them the price is going up all the time, im sure you can get a run to work

is the IO Expander Sold Out

how about this product to be modified?

I would love to buy some of these, but the link no longer works?

Hi there,
They do Work, I think they were going to Revise it, so it may be worth the wait if they improve on it. But it does work. :wink: :+1: also there are others albeit LARGER :face_with_peeking_eye: for sale
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Ah, I see, interesting they revise so soon after release! Looks like you can’t buy them anymore (or at least that I can find). What else is for sale?
Thanks, Sam

Hi there,
Yea, just google “port expander arduino”
You get MORE than enough choices…
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Hi there,
I took matters into my own hands, LOL
MORE I/O for the Xiao ESP32S3 .(12 more)
Testing it now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1:


GL :slight_smile: PJ


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Hi there,
Can we get SKU# for a XIAO ESP32S3 with the B2B connector only, Don’t need a camera or SD card exp-board. If we as makers are to use this hardware it must be accessible :disguised_face: and :money_mouth_face:Reasonably Priced.
Glad to have a chip with MORE I/O so let us have it! :grin: :+1:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

You mean this?

No, But one Like it, Xiao ESP32S3 it WITH the B2B connector…

Would be great if the same PriceToo!
Gl :slight_smile: PJ

what is a BTB connector?.. isnt it the thing on the back?

Hi there,
It’s the Board to Board connector (hence B2B) is what they call it, basically it’s the expansion connector thats on the Sense version. , The Xiao ESP32S3 doesn’t have it unless you order the Sense version with the camera and SD daughter board. (would need a new SKU#) and reasonable price.
It’s WAY better solution than the ridiculous Idea (IMO) :face_with_hand_over_mouth: of putting more inaccessible pins and pads on the bottom of the Xiao and requiring MORE soldering. BAD IDEA! The "MORE I/O " :star_struck:board just plugs in and go. No messing around and fumbling the soldering iron like on the live stream. :face_with_peeking_eye: I can put pins or solder to the pads way easier without any possibility of damaging the MCU or the associated heat unsoldering some unknown component on the top side of the board.
Try DeLidding a Xiao and then apply heat on the bottom (let say too much heat) from too large of a soldering iron, watch the top side components the possibility of developing cold solder joints on some of those .201 or .403 SMT size resistors for example doesn’t take much.
The connector is WAY more reliable.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

you could do any number of connectors or types after that.
like these.