I bought on aliexpress a couple XIAO ESP32S3 & Wio-SX1262 for meshtastic
it works very well but it is impossible to change the firmware,
on the ESP32S3 model there is no boot and reset button as indicated.
Only 1 button on the SX-1262 so it reboots but impossible to switch to boot loader mode to change the firmware. The com port is there for the flash and available on the computer.
There is nothing indicated on the wiki except if you have the 2 button model on the XIAO ESP32S3…
I may have missed something …
Thanks in advance for your answers
Ok So, is it a real Xiao from Seeed studio?
If so Is it a two board sandwich ? The bottom board is the Xiao and the top Board is the Mesh_radio. The buttons are tiny and check the WiKi for more info it’s all there.
Check this too… “1:40:00” Listen closely and do exactly this way… Success will be yours
Thanks to all answers
I found the 2 buttons on the ESP32S3 but it doesn’t look like buttons … they are filled with solder, nothing protrudes from the button as indicated on the wiki, but by insisting I see that it sinks slightly.
not easy …