Xiao ESP32S3 USB problem

Hello Folks,

May I ask you, why this board ESP32S3 darws so mutch power to blink the powered USB hub? The board has no connected wires or devices whatsoever.
I try to reset the board (hold the reset, press boot briefly, release the reset) but not working. The board not connecting to IDE and still blinking the USB hub led.


The powered USB hub may not be providing enough stable current for the board, especially if other devices are connected.

welcome… maybe try some other hardware… USB cable… battery box

Actually it works for coding the edge impulse, but when I connetcted an 5V servo (just ground and data) it seems rebboting regularly in 0,5-0,3s and drawing down the usb hub. The hub itself is powered so quite powerful. The servo was connected to D5.

Thanks. Yes I did, but same behavior.

Hi there,

Yea, DON’T do that… :laughing: :face_with_peeking_eye:
The servo is Browning out the Device… You may risk damage if you leave it long.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Check out this project. You absolutely can connect servo directly to the board. Even Seeed have a wiki for that.

Hi there,
I’m familiar, However :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: need to go read the data sheet…
I see a H-bridge board ? WTH don’t you?

SO NO you CAN NOT absolutely connect it directly to the Xiao. Look at the data sheet for the Servo’s too. NO! C’mon MAN, really bro :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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