Xiao esp32s3 sense spi sd card pin schematic error

I want to use spi sd card , Refer to the schematic https://files.seeedstudio.com/wiki/SeeedStudio-XIAO-ESP32S3/res/XIAO_ESP32S3_SCH_v1.2.pdf and sense schematic https://files.seeedstudio.com/wiki/SeeedStudio-XIAO-ESP32S3/res/XIAO_ESP32S3_ExpBoard_v1.0_SCH.pdf .
It shows the sd_cs pin located at GPIO3 ,but in the chapter Hardware Usage in tutorial , it illustrates the sd_cs pin located at GPIO21. I have tried both pin and it turns out GPIO21 was the right location and the schematic take some mistake. I wander where is the updated schematic and is there any other mistake on the schematic.

The schematic shows two options for the SDCS;

The options are selected by fitting either R11 or R12.

R11 is shown as DNP = Do Not Populate.

Thus with R12 fitted as 0R, the schematic shows that SDCS is IO21.