XIAO ESP32S3 Sense camera not working

I can connect to Chrome, but when I press the Get Still, the Start Stream button, I get the following message and the camera does not work.
Can someone please tell me how to deal with this?

WiFi connected
e[0;31mE (16036) MFN: Partition Not founde[0m
e[0;31mE (16037) MFN: Please Set the Partitione[0m
Camera Ready! Use '' to connect
E (33426) ledc: ledc_set_duty(719): LEDC is not initialized
E (33426) ledc: ledc_update_duty(647): LEDC is not initialized
E (76704) ledc: ledc_set_duty(719): LEDC is not initialized
E (76704) ledc: ledc_update_duty(647): LEDC is not initialized
E (79991) ledc: ledc_set_duty(719): LEDC is not initialized
E (79992) ledc: ledc_update_duty(647): LEDC is not initialized
E (83992) ledc: ledc_set_duty(719): LEDC is not initialized

You got 32 gig SD card installed , format FAT 32…?
Your close.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

I use Chrome, so I do not have an SD card inserted.
Does the SD card have to be installed for the camera to work?

You don’t necessarily need an SD card, do you have PSRAM enabled?

“OPI PSRAM” is checked.
What version of BSP should I use?

This error message comes from the ESP32’s LEDC (LED Control) driver and indicates that the LEDC has not been initialised at the time the ledc_set_duty() function was called. It looks like this error is not related to the camera. It looks like we haven’t found the real reason why the camera isn’t working.

Hi there,
I went back and checked my working demo, I used the original esp32by Espressif systems 2.0.8. , tried the other all the way to the Alpha 's 3.0.0 .
Would not compile with 2.0.10 (wifi errors with wifi 2.0 lib)nor with the Alpha’s 3…0.0 a1 or a2
Works with 2.0.14 fine.
compiler snip below
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Successfully created esp32s3 image.
"C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\2.0.14/tools/gen_esp32part.exe" -q "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/partitions.csv" "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino.partitions.bin"
cmd /c if exist "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2\\libraries\\Insights" "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\2.0.14/tools/gen_insights_package.exe" "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2" CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino "D:\\Arduino_projects\\CameraWebServer_copy_PJ"
cmd /c IF 0==1 COPY /y "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\tools\\openocd-esp32\\v0.12.0-esp32-20230419\\share\\openocd\\scripts\\board\\esp32s3-builtin.cfg" "D:\\Arduino_projects\\CameraWebServer_copy_PJ\\debug.cfg"
cmd /c IF 0==1 COPY /y "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\2.0.14\\tools\\ide-debug\\esp32s3.json" "D:\\Arduino_projects\\CameraWebServer_copy_PJ\\debug_custom.json"
cmd /c IF 0==1 COPY /y "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\hardware\\esp32\\2.0.14\\tools\\ide-debug\\svd\\esp32s3.svd" "D:\\Arduino_projects\\CameraWebServer_copy_PJ\\debug.svd"

Using library WiFi at version 2.0.0 in folder: C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.14\libraries\WiFi 
"C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\esp32\\tools\\xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gcc\\esp-2021r2-patch5-8.4.0/bin/xtensa-esp32s3-elf-size" -A "C:\\Users\\Dude\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino\\sketches\\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino.elf"
Sketch uses 788857 bytes (23%) of program storage space. Maximum is 3342336 bytes.
Global variables use 59208 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 268472 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.
"C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\tools\esptool_py\4.5.1/esptool.exe" --chip esp32s3 --port "COM23" --baud 921600  --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash  -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size 8MB 0x0 "C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino.bootloader.bin" 0x8000 "C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino.partitions.bin" 0xe000 "C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.14/tools/partitions/boot_app0.bin" 0x10000 "C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\B02CDFCE65CF503472EE9E89E2619EE2/CameraWebServer_copy_PJ.ino.bin" 
esptool.py v4.5.1
Serial port COM23
Chip is ESP32-S3 (revision v0.2)
Features: WiFi, BLE
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 84:fc:e6:6a:d0:f0

I have tried from 2.0.8 to 2.0.14. The compiler messages are the same as in PJ.
It works up to compile/upload and can connect to Chrome, but no images are coming.
I talked to the dealer, but they replied that it must be an initial defect, so I decided to return it.
Thanks for all the information!

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