Xiao ESP32S3 (non Sense) - Circuitpython - board module not found


I was able to successfully flash the circuitpython firmware onto the xiao esp32s3 board.

However, the “board” module needed to run the gpio pins is not showing up.

i am using the (sense) firmware, located here - https://circuitpython.org/board/seeed_xiao_esp32s3_sense/

I have used several other microcontrollers with circuitpython for esp32 and board module is always available.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated… the library says that the board module should be available, but it is not.

Hi there,

And Welcome here…

So that is new Hardware and some of the BSP’s don’t seem to support it.
I would try and Older BSP , like 3.0.1 and see if that improves it. This stuff is like hitting a moving Target sometimes LOL :grin: :ok_hand: And with Espressif changing cores etc, IDF-5.3 Blah, Blah… they forgot to test it maybe…

Roll back and try again is my advice…:+1:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: