Xiao ESP32s3 board with Grove Vision AI v2 - camera web server resolution can't be set

Hi there,

I have got a model running on the Grove vision AI v2 board really nicely, it has one of the recommended raspberry pi camera modules on it and I can view the preview from the camera on the seed studio web portal.

I’ve then connected an esp32s3 xiao board to the top pins on the grove as you are supposed to. Using the ssmc arduino library, I am able to print inference results to the esp32 serial output perfectly.

I have then been trying to get the camera webserver example to work.
The webserver launches okay, and I can connect to it from my device - but it is unable to begin the camera stream from the grove module.
Does anyone else have a similar issue?
Please note I am not using the xiao esp32s3 sense, I am just using the standard xiao esp32s3 board.
I get the same error every time when I click start stream of ‘unable to set resolution’. Please advise, thank you!
I have attached links to the example code I am using:

Hi there,

Which BSP is being used in the compile that throws the error?
Roll back the BSP to an older one, and try that.
my .02

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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Hi there!
Thank you for getting back to me.
I’m working in platformio, and my platform is:
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.10.0) > Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3
Is there a specific esp32 framework version you reccommend?
Thanks again

Hi there, I can confirm BSP version of platformio 6.5.0 fixed everything.
The release version does not work with this example.
Thank you for your help !

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