Does the Xiao ESP32C3 support OTA via BLE on Arduino? I have tried some projects on GitHub, but they do not work. Does anyone have a working example?
Does the Xiao ESP32C3 support OTA via BLE on Arduino? I have tried some projects on GitHub, but they do not work. Does anyone have a working example?
Hi there,
Which BSP did you use for the Xiao ?
Which BLE LIB did you try? how big is your code?
I have the same problem, I already tried to implement an OTA over BLE adapting the example by Fbiego.
Sometimes it works, but most of the times not.
It seems something related to the android app, but I couldn´t get any help from the developer , so I am a bit stuck on it.
Hi there,
I would have a look at Adafruit see how they do it and try to implement that , So you are doing DFU over BLE. I’m thinking the C3 may NOT have enough Memory to do it, may be part of why it works sometimes and not others.
Do have a link to the code you tried, paste it and we can take a look.
Good news today.
Yesterday I tried a new library , BLEOTA from gb88.
Much easier to use and worked at the first attempt.
The update is made through a web app, simple but efficient.
Hi there,
Nice, I have seen that also on the Paul guys Smartwatch, to upgrade the flash , You go to a web site it hosts internally and OTU that way. Pretty cool . Glad you got it going