I am having trouble getting this SD CARD that i have wired this way to work with a basic SD card tester sketch on Arduino IDE
serial monitor 14:04:33.200
If someone from Seed Studio XIAO team can verify the wiring for me that would help and I could look at the sketch as the problem with the code
// Define SPI pins
const int spiMOSI = D10; // MOSI
const int spiMISO = D9; // MISO
const int spiSCK = D8; // SCK
const int spiCS = D2; // CS
// Define SPI pins
const int spiMOSI = 10; // MOSI
const int spiMISO = 9; // MISO
const int spiSCK = 8; // SCK
const int spiCS = 4; // CS
If it is wired as per Fritzing, then it appears that the wiring to the SD card is incorrect.