XIAO "CPU reset" when I try to upload sketch with Arduino IDE

I’m having trouble uploading a sketch to a XIAO from Arduino IDE. The board library is installed and the board is recognized by IDE. When I try to upload a sketch I get a “CUP reset” at the end of the string and the XIAO opens as a windows folder, as if it was a mounted drive (F: in this case).

Below is what I see when I try to upload the sketch. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
Device : ATSAMD21G18A
Chip ID : 10010005
Version : v1.1 [Arduino:XYZ] Nov 27 2019 16:35:59
Address : 8192
Pages : 3968
Page Size : 64 bytes
Total Size : 248KB
Planes : 1
Lock Regions : 16
Locked : none
Security : false
Boot Flash : true
BOD : true
BOR : true
Erase flash
done in 0.860 seconds

Write 44620 bytes to flash (698 pages)
[==============================] 100% (698/698 pages)
done in 0.356 seconds

Verify 44620 bytes of flash with checksum.
Verify successful
done in 0.054 seconds
CPU reset.


The XIAO is recognized on the com port but I can’t get a sketch to upload. I also have a Seeeduino Nano that works just fine with the same hardware (same computer and same USB-C cable).

Hello, we are back from a break. Let me help you to see. From your description, it seems that the compilation is normal. Is it convenient to take a screenshot of the result of the uploading program?

Thanks for the reply. Here is what I see when I try to upload the sketch using Arduino IDE:

The output information is irrelevant, I see that the program has been uploaded successfully, just observe the effect directly.

I’m not sure what’s wrong. This program is used to operate al EL light panel and a servo motor, using a third party software package to control it. If I upload this exact same program to a Seeeduino Nano, the program works fine and the third party software can connect to the Nano via the USB cable/com port. But when I use this program on the XIAO the third party software cannot connect to the XIAO.

When I plug the XIAO into the computer a com port is created, but again the software cannot connect to the XIAO.

This code works for Arduino nano but not necessarily for xiao

So why not? What needs to change?

From the Seeed Studio description of the XIAO:
“Seeeduino XIAO is the smallest Arduino compatible board in Seeeduino Family. It is an Arduino microcontroller…”

It sure looks to me like an Arduino sketch/program should work on the XIAO.

After reading a bit it seems as though a sketch made for the Nano with Atmega328P cannot work on the XIAO based on the SAMD21?

Is it possible to port the Nano sketch to the XIAO somehow? Here is the program that works fine with the Nano.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;

int pos = 3;    // variable to store the servo position

volatile int ledPin   = 10;      // the pin that the LED is attached to, needs to be a PWM pin.
volatile int servoPin = 9;      // the pin that the servo signal is attached to, needs to be a PWM pin.
int brightness = 0;

enum devices
  FLAT_MAN_L = 10,
  FLAT_MAN_XL = 15,
  FLAT_MAN = 19,
  FLIP_FLAT = 99

enum motorStatuses
  STOPPED = 0,

enum lightStatuses
  OFF = 0,

enum shutterStatuses
  UNKNOWN = 0, // ie not open or closed...could be moving

int deviceId = FLIP_FLAT;
int motorStatus = STOPPED;
int lightStatus = OFF;
int coverStatus = UNKNOWN;

#include <Adafruit_DS3502.h>

Adafruit_DS3502 ds3502 = Adafruit_DS3502();
/* For this example, make the following connections:
    * DS3502 RH to 5V
    * DS3502 RL to GND
    * DS3502 RW to the pin specified by WIPER_VALUE_PIN

/*Do NOT connect RW to A0 when an external power source (>5v) is connected to the DS3502.  That could damage the A0 pin and board.

void setup()
  // initialize the serial communication:
  // initialize the ledPin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'

void loop() 

void handleSerial()
  if( Serial.available() >= 5 )  // all incoming communications are fixed length at 6 bytes including the \n
    char* cmd;
  char* data;
    char temp[10];
    int len = 0;

    char str[20];
    memset(str, 0, 20);
  // I don't personally like using the \n as a command character for reading.  
  // but that's how the command set is.
    Serial.readBytesUntil('\n', str, 20);

  cmd = str + 1;
  data = str + 2;
  // useful for debugging to make sure your commands came through and are parsed correctly.
    if( false )
      sprintf( temp, "cmd = >%s%s;", cmd, data);

    switch( *cmd )
    Ping device
      Request: >P000\n
      Return : *Pii000\n
        id = deviceId
      case 'P':
      sprintf(temp, "*P%d000\n", deviceId);

    Open shutter
      Request: >O000\n
      Return : *Oii000\n
        id = deviceId

      This command is only supported on the Flip-Flat!
      case 'O':
      sprintf(temp, "*O%d000\n", deviceId);

    Close shutter
      Request: >C000\n
      Return : *Cii000\n
        id = deviceId

      This command is only supported on the Flip-Flat!
      case 'C':
      sprintf(temp, "*C%d000\n", deviceId);

    Turn light on
      Request: >L000\n
      Return : *Lii000\n
        id = deviceId
      case 'L':
      sprintf(temp, "*L%d000\n", deviceId);
      lightStatus = ON;
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

    Turn light off
      Request: >D000\n
      Return : *Dii000\n
        id = deviceId
      case 'D':
      sprintf(temp, "*D%d000\n", deviceId);
      lightStatus = OFF;
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

    Set brightness
      Request: >Bxxx\n
        xxx = brightness value from 000-255
      Return : *Biiyyy\n
        id = deviceId
        yyy = value that brightness was set from 000-255
      case 'B':
      brightness = atoi(data);    
      sprintf( temp, "*B%d%03d\n", deviceId, brightness );

    Get brightness
      Request: >J000\n
      Return : *Jiiyyy\n
        id = deviceId
        yyy = current brightness value from 000-255
      case 'J':
        sprintf( temp, "*J%d%03d\n", deviceId, brightness);
    Get device status:
      Request: >S000\n
      Return : *SidMLC\n
        id = deviceId
        M  = motor status( 0 stopped, 1 running)
        L  = light status( 0 off, 1 on)
        C  = Cover Status( 0 moving, 1 closed, 2 open)
      case 'S': 
        sprintf( temp, "*S%d%d%d%d\n",deviceId, motorStatus, lightStatus, coverStatus);

    Get firmware version
      Request: >V000\n
      Return : *Vii001\n
        id = deviceId
      case 'V': // get firmware version
      sprintf(temp, "*V%d001\n", deviceId);

  while( Serial.available() > 0 )


void SetShutter(int val)

  if( val == OPEN && coverStatus != OPEN )
    for (int angle = 3; angle <= 180; angle+=1) 
      myservo.write (angle);
      delay (70);
    coverStatus = OPEN;
    // TODO: Implement code to OPEN the shutter.
  else if( val == CLOSED && coverStatus != CLOSED )
    for (int angle = 180; angle > 3; angle-=1) 
      myservo.write (angle);
      delay (70);
    coverStatus = CLOSED;
    // TODO: Implement code to CLOSE the shutter
    // TODO: Actually handle this case
    coverStatus = val;

void setPanelBrightness( int brightness ){
  // alnitak has values from 0-100 for brightness. 
  // ds3502 supports 0-127 so these need to get mapped. 
  /*  this makes the assumption that 127 is "max resistance" 
   *  and "max resistance" is the dimmest value.
   *  if that is not the case then the map needs to be: 
   *  int val = map(brightness, 0, 100, 0, 127);
   *  EDIT: apparently the max resistance is half of 127 or 63.
  int val = map(brightness, 0, 100, 0, 63);

This requires finding the incompatible part first