Xiao Ble Sense unable to get IMU gworking with Zephyr/NCS

Hello. I’m trying to get the IMU working under NCS 2.4.0, but I can’t get it to initialize properly and always getting this error. I have also enabled the pull up resistots on the i2c line.

[00:00:00.500,701] <err> i2c_nrfx_twim: Error on I2C line occurred for message 0
[00:00:00.500,854] <err> LSM6DSL: Failed to initialize chip

April 2023, still seems to be a problem. I’ve posted on the Nordic forum (here) and other people are still having issues. Given that it works with Arduino the problems seem to be around the configuration of Zephyr, what’s even stranger is that when using I2C shell, the sensor reads fine but not when accessing it through the device tree.