I’m having a similar(?) issue: I get static, incorrect readings from the IMU, but no errors.
X1 = 13.7753
Y1 = 13.7753
Z1 = 13.7753
X1 = -1623.2300
Y1 = -1623.2300
Z1 = -1623.2300
Degrees C1 = inf
Degrees F1 = inf
I suspect this is because I’m using the 1.0.0 version of the mbed library, and not the 2.7.2 version.
The reason I’m doing this is that when I attempt to install the mbed-enabled library, I get errors:
Tool Seeeduino:[email protected] already installed
Tool Seeeduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4 already installed
Tool Seeeduino:[email protected] already installed
Tool Seeeduino:[email protected] already installed
Downloading packages
Replacing platform Seeeduino:[email protected] with Seeeduino:[email protected]
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected]
Platform Seeeduino:[email protected] uninstalled
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected], tool is no more required
Uninstalling Seeeduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@9-2019q4, tool is no more required
Tool Seeeduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@9-2019q4 uninstalled
Uninstalling Seeeduino:[email protected], tool is no more required
Tool Seeeduino:[email protected] uninstalled
Configuring platform.
**WARNING cannot configure platform: exit status 127**
Platform Seeeduino:[email protected] installed
I get this error on both version 2.6.1 and 2.7.2. Then, as a result of the platform not being configured (I suspect), when I try to compile or upload, I get this error:
Error resolving FQBN: getting build properties for board Seeeduino:mbed:xiaonRF52840Sense: invalid option 'softdevice'
Compilation error: Error resolving FQBN: getting build properties for board Seeeduino:mbed:xiaonRF52840Sense: invalid option 'softdevice'
Any help would be appreciated.