XIAO BLE Sense battery level and charging status

can we get the upgrade of the chip to be addressable via IIC as is done with Coulomb Counter

the sensing of power is very important
this should be much more plug and play

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Hi Folks (Experts)…

I came to this thread , wanting to read Read Battery voltage, Turn on LED when charging and Turn on LED to a different color when not charging)…

Unfortunately, I was not able to decipher all the discussions and make a conclusion. How to do it?
Can anyone please help with an example and Library/Board version that i need to use to accomplish the above?

i am using XIOA BLE SENSE board.
Using 2.9.2 Board version.

What exactly The code i should use?

Appreciate your help…

Hi there,
You do know that It has an RGB-LED onboard and a charge LED that does that already. “charging indicator”
The issue is the board files SEEED engineering (marketing) puts out without thoroughly testing them. Different files support different non-standard configurations of methods to get the batteries voltage. In some cases additional voltage divider resistors need to be added to work and be able to read the voltage.
You’ll have to read the threads to determine what can work for you. I have several posts with video and code demonstrating different methods and results.
Here’s the hardware view

GL :slight_smile: PJ

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Hello guys!
I used this forum to get started with a battery driver/library and I thought I would leave the work I have done here on this forum so other people can have a look at it. The library supports charging, setting the charging speed, reading the battery voltage, and getting the battery capacity in a percentage. Here is the link to the GitHub page: GitHub - Tjoms99/xiao_sense_nrf52840_battery_lib: A battery library for the XIAO BLE Sense (nRF52840).

The project uses the Zephyr RTOS, meaning it is not compatible with the Arduino IDE, but the core functionality of the driver can be used to create an Arduino library. The only difference is how the GPIO’s and ADC are configured and used.

For those already familiar with Zephyr, this project is plug-and-play; You don’t need to worry about anything except building and flashing the project.

Enjoy guys! -Tjoms