Writing to internal FLASH

Thanks to the amazing support of this community I have a system writing to external FLASH and communicating via BLE.

I was looking to understand the memory map of the NRF52840 (non mBed) and how I might write a few bytes to the internal 1Mb FLASH. This way I can be assured that when I format my external 2MB Flash, I can maintain some persistent preferences.
I understand the internal is used for program memory but some should be available for the user.

I am sure PJGlasso on here has this knowledge base!.. standby for news!

Hi there
We have a demo for this. Maybe you can have a try:

Hi and thanks for the response.

This demo appears to be for the external 2MB QSPI Flash that I have working well. I’m looking to add data to the internal 1MB Flash.
Warm regards,