WM1302 USB - Use with basics station

I have an RPI with a WM1302 USB module connected to the RPI’s USB port.
I am trying to get the station.conf file to be configured properly.
/* If slave-X.conf present this acts as default settings /
“SX1302_conf”: { /
Actual channel plan is controlled by server /
“lorawan_public”: true, /
is default /
“clksrc”: 0, /
radio_0 provides clock to concentrator /
path to the SPI device, un-comment if not specified on the command line e.g., RADIODEV=/dev/spidev0.0 /
“device”: “usb:/dev/ttyACM0”,
freq/enable provided by LNS - only HW specific settings listed here /
“radio_0”: {
“type”: “SX1250”,
“rssi_offset”: -215.4,
“rssi_tcomp”: {“coeff_a”: 0, “coeff_b”: 0, “coeff_c”: 20.41, “coeff_d”: 2162.56, “coeff_e”: 0},
“tx_enable”: true,
“antenna_gain”: 0
“radio_1”: {
“type”: “SX1250”,
“rssi_offset”: -215.4,
“rssi_tcomp”: {“coeff_a”: 0, “coeff_b”: 0, “coeff_c”: 20.41, “coeff_d”: 2162.56, “coeff_e”: 0},
“tx_enable”: true,
“antenna_gain”: 0
chan_multiSF_X, chan_Lora_std, chan_FSK provided by LNS /
“station_conf”: {
“radio_init”: “device”,
“RX_POLL_INTV”: “10ms”,
“log_file”: “stderr”,
“log_level”: “DEBUG”, /
“log_size”: 10000000,
“log_rotate”: 3,

What is the right setting of the “radio_init” ? with that value it does not connect to the cloud.
Does the ST chip on the WM1302 module need to be flashed to a FW that is compatible with Semtech’s Basics Station ?
If I set another value in the “radio_init” then the module connects to the cloud, however after a minute or two it disconnects and does not recover.

The WM1302 module should have firmware compatible with Semtech’s Basics Station. Verify that the firmware on the WM1302 module is up-to-date and compatible with the Basics Station. Flash the firmware to the latest version recommended by Semtech (if needed.)

liaifat85 hi,
Thanks for the reply.
I am not sure if you are from Seeed, but I shall ask the questions.
How can the firmware of the WM1302 be checked for compatibility?, and how to get/read the current FW version that is flashed?
Does it require to have a shell/batch file in the reset “radio_init” key ? (is it the same module hardware reset as is done with an SPI module?)