WM1110 as an standalone gps tracker


Is it possible to use the WM1110-A chip as a standalone tracker, just sending gps information to a lora gateway. All examples want to use lora cloud in some way.
Or am i not seeing the correct examples?


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I have the same question, I am fascinated by all Seeed products, but unfortunately there is a lack of information.

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GNSS solver is required.
Please see “4.1.2 GNSS Scanning” in LR1110 Data Sheet.

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Thanks so much, I will try it.

It seems they don’t have internal LR1110 GNSS working standalone, only with cloud location support so far? The Tracker in T1000-E looks to ship with a different GNSS chip attached, maybe to solve this? Same with the WM1110 Meshtastic dev kit…