WIORP2040-A issue


I used wio rp2040 for my project and after I programmed it the USB driver from Windows was crashed.
My question is how can I make a hard reset on the kit board, or it’s need to upload a new reset firmware?

Hi, liviu:
Sometimes, when the user connect fails, the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 port may disappear. We can solve this problem by:

Press and hold the B button.
Connect the Seeed studio XIAO PR2040 to your computer.
The computer will display the disk driver.
At this point, the chip goes into boot loader mode and the burn port appears again. Because the RP2040 chip has two partitions, one is the boot loader and the other is the user program. The boot loader code is burned in system memory when the product leaves the factory. We can switch modes by performing the above steps.
Step 1. Press and hold the start button, then connect Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 to your PC.
Step 2. If the “RPI-RP2” disk is displayed on the PC and the power indicator on Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 lights up, the connection is complete.

and You need to check the device manager to see if the driver is corrupted, if so, you need to reinstall the driver

Thanks for your tips.
I have another question for you: it’s possible to send on mqtt a package with data from accelerometers(2 SPI accelerometers IIS3DWB + WIORP2040-A)? I get from accelerometer around 26666 samples per axes and I want to send them on mqtt protocol. Do you have a example with that?

There is nothing I can do about this, SeeedStudio only provides the basic MQTT usage on Wio

I’m trying to using Arduino v1.8.15 + WIO RP2040-A. I follow your tutorial from this link: Wio RP2040 mini Dev Board with Arduino | Seeed Studio Wiki
When I put the link with json in Additional Boards Manager URLs, there is no library for XIAO RP2040 in Boards Manager. I’m posting a screenshot with this situation:

I said to try with Seeed SAMD Boards but it didn’t work. What do you suggest?

P.S. I tried with new version of Arduino but it’s the same situation.

Here you should search for ‘RP2040’ instead of ‘XIAO RP2040’, I put the details in the wiki: Arduino | Seeed Studio Wiki

Now I have another situation:
What I did: I put this URL with json: https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico/releases/download/global/package_rp2040_index.json in Additional Boards Manager and in Board I select Raspberry Pi Pico W because there is no Seeed Wio RP2040. I don’t now if I chose correctly, my kit board is Seeed Wio rp2040-a.
Anyway, I uploaded successfully this Socket example: GitHub - 0hotpotman0/Seeed_Wio_RP2040_WIFI

After bootup, it seems to have a problem with SPI communication (pico > esp). In the serial monitor(screenshort) you can see what I received. Do you have an Socket or MQTT example for this kit board? I need to change something in source files(SPI statemant)?
Thanks for your help!

Hi, liviu:
I don’t know if it will help you. This is about the application of Wio-rp2040 mini Dev Board with ArduinoIDE, MQTT and socket: Wio RP2040 迷你开发板与 Arduino |看工作室维基 (seeedstudio.com)